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University museum
University Museum Exhibitions

Time will tell

until 7 May 2023
Time will tell
Photo: Ruben van Vliet, DeFine Interactieve Techniek

You are welcome to visit the interactive exhibition TIME WILL TELL. Discover how the ‘internal clock’ in your brain works through various experiments. Why do dull lectures last so long, but the holidays seem to fly by so quickly? Take part in actual scientific research and find out how you experience time.

By means of various experiments, you will discover how you experience time yourself. Moreover, you become part of actual scientific research. Scientists from the experimental psychology department at the University of Groningen are researching how people experience time in their minds. But how does this ‘internal clock’ in your brain work? And why is it worth researching? These questions, and many more, are answered in the exhibition.

laboratory heymans
Laboratory of Gerard Heymans in the exhibition

We will also go back in time to the special laboratory of the Groningen psychologist Gerard Heymans (1867-1930). He was the first psychologist in the Netherlands to use test subjects for scientific research. His experiments and instruments on, for instance, time perception, caused major breakthroughs in the field of psychology.

Are you ready to immerse yourself in the wonderful world of time?

Last modified:06 September 2023 12.45 p.m.
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