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University museum
Museum Collections Collections Medical Sciences

Anatomy and pathology

Anatomical preparations

The collection consists of anatomical and pathological preparations, the majority of which are preparations in spirits. There are also dry preparations where the veins have been injected with coloured wax of of which the surrounding tissue was dried and adapted with shellac; modern-day dry preparations are plasticised. The collection also holds wax models and papier mâché models as well as a collection of skeletons and skulls.

Petrus Camper
Petrus Camper at his writing desk, painting by Josef de Groot, ca. 1850


The private collections of two important medical scientists of the 18th century, Petrus Camper and Pieter de Riemer, are the core of the museum's medical collection.

The collection of Petrus Camper, professor of medicine from 1763 - 1774, and his son Adriaan Gilles Camper consisted of anatomical, comparing anatomical and biological preparations, fossils, minerals and instruments. The collection was donated to the museum after Camper’s death in 1820 and there are still around 200 of his preparations in the museum collection.

Another important part is the collection of the medical scientist Pieter de Riemer (1769 - 1831). He was especially interested in anatomy, surgery and obstetrics. The De Riemer collection, containing more than 900 preparations, came into the hands of the university in 1831.

Anatomical Museum

The Anatomical Museum was the home of the anatomical/pathological collection until 2003. Since then the University Museum is in charge of it and uses it for permanent and temporary exhibitions.

Last modified:16 March 2023 4.43 p.m.
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