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Medical Library News

Open access Taverne Amendement

13 April 2021

The UMCG endorses the importance of open access publishing, as it is currently possible in hybrid and open access journals.

How to participate? Firstly, by publishing in one of the many thousands of journals of publishers with which the Dutch libraries have concluded a deal. The CMB Library Guide Open Access publishing contains a searchable overview - the Journal Browser – that enables employees to publish open access at no cost. We pay for this, so we hope that our employees make optimal use of these deals.

Taverne Amendement

Article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act (the 'Taverne Amendement') also grants researchers the right to make short academic works available for no financial consideration after an embargo period. The Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VNSU) and Dutch Federation of University Medical Centers (NFU) have agreed to roll out the Taverne Amendment broadly.


Starting on 1 May 2021, the publisher's versions of all short works (such as scientific articles and book chapters) that have not already been published in open access will be made available open access via Pure. This will always be done after six months and with reference to the source of the first publication. The researcher reserves the right to share your works on other platforms.

The Board of Directors has asked the Central Medical Library (CMB) to facilitate the exercise of this right. Researchers need not do anything, except if they want to apply for an opt-out of a specific article. This request can be submitted to the CMB via an opt-out form.

Questions regarding this amendement Taverne implementation can be sent to the CMB: openaccess

Last modified:14 September 2024 2.54 p.m.
View this page in: Nederlands

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