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Education Master's and PhD degree programmes Population Studies
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Population Studies

Are you interested in studying contemporary population issues like ageing, migration and global population growth? In the master programme Population Studies students learn the theories, methods and skills required to become a versatile demographer.

Essential to understanding population dynamics is the study of people’s demographic behaviour, such as birth, health, migration, and death. The master programme focuses on these demographic events, on how decision-making regarding these life events is influenced by the economic, societal, cultural, and geographical context, and on how these demographic events have an impact on population-level trends.

You will learn about:

* Contemporary population issues as population ageing, integration of migrants, health inequalities and global population growth
* Individual decision-making processes behind demographic events, such as family formation, residential choices and health care use
* Collecting and interpreting demographic data
* Methods and techniques to analyse demographic data: life tables, population projections, advanced statistical analysis, and qualitative research methods
* Population policies and intervention programmes

The field of Population Studies reflects on and deals with contemporary demographic topics and related societal issues. The study is simultaneously concrete and broad.

The Master in Population Studies is also interesting for mid-career professionals working at, for example, statistical offices or demographic departments of government agencies.

In addition to the one-year Master Population Studies, we also offer the two-year research master specialisation Population Studies and two double degree programmes: with the University of Cologne in Germany ( Demography and Social Inequality ) and with the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain ( Social Demography ).

Facts & Figures
MSc in Population Studies
Course type
12 months (60 ECTS)
Croho code
Language of instruction
February, September
Spatial Sciences

Why study this programme in Groningen?

Our programme is unique in its combination of analytical and social demography, its combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods, and its international, multidisciplinary and strong scientific orientation. Interactive ways of teaching are being employed by very enthusiastic and dedicated teachers. Within the Netherlands, Groningen is the only university offering an MSC in Population Studies.


CoursesCourse Catalog >1a1b2a2b
Demographic Data and Analysis (5 EC)
Population, Health and Place (5 EC)
Qualitative Research for Policy & Practice (5 EC)
Migration, Families and Households (5 EC)
Optional Courses (5 EC)
Population Projections & Sustainability (5 EC)
Advanced Statistical Analysis (5 EC)
Optional Courses (5 EC)
Master's Thesis Population Studies (20 EC)


Study abroad

  • Study abroad is optional

Entry requirements

Admission requirements

Specific requirementsMore information
previous education

If you are not directly admissible you can follow a pre-master programme. See more information in the pre-master guide:

other admission requirements

Academic Bachelor degree with some background knowledge in Population Studies, incl. at least 10 ECTS in statistics or equivalent statistical knowledge​, ​5 ECTS in research method skills and 15 ECTS in demography-related ​thematic knowledge.

Applicants are advised to follow (courses of) the Minor in Population Studies before entering the Master Programme.

Transfer options

Transferring from...

Study programmeOrganizationTransition
All Universities of applied sciences

Via a pre-master

More information:

For more information about the pre-master please see

Study programmeOrganizationTransition
SociologyAll Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • knowledge minimum
More information:

10 ECTS in statistics and 5 ECTS in knowledge of research method skills required

Spatial Planning and DesignAll Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • knowledge minimum
More information:

10 ECTS in statistics and 5 ECTS in knowledge of research method skills required

Liberal Arts and SciencesAll Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • knowledge minimum
More information:

10 ECTS in statistics and 5 ECTS in knowledge of research method skills required

Cultural Anthropology and Development SociologyAll Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • knowledge minimum
More information:

10 ECTS in statistics and 5 ECTS in knowledge of research method skills required

International Relations and International OrganizationAll Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • knowledge minimum
More information:

10 ECTS in statistics and 5 ECTS in knowledge of research method skills required

EconomicsAll Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • knowledge minimum
More information:

10 ECTS in statistics and 5 ECTS in knowledge of research method skills required

Human Geography and PlanningAll Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • knowledge minimum
More information:

10 ECTS in statistics and 5 ECTS in knowledge of research method skills required

Application deadlines

Type of studentDeadlineStart course
Dutch students15 August 202501 September 2025
15 January 202601 February 2026
15 August 202601 September 2026
EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 November 202501 February 2026
01 May 202601 September 2026
01 November 202601 February 2027
non-EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 November 202501 February 2026
01 May 202601 September 2026
01 November 202601 February 2027

If you are considering applying for a start in February, please know that this has practical implications for your studies. We advise a start in September as the programme is better suited for a September start. Before applying for a February start in our programme and paying the application fee for students with a foreign diploma, we advise you to discuss your application with one of our Study Advisors (study.advice.fss

Admission requirements

Specific requirementsMore information
previous education

If you are not directly admissible you can follow a pre-master programme. See more information in the pre-master guide:

language test

English on VWO level or one of the following equivalents:

  • IELTS overall band 6.5, no less than 6.0 on each section
  • TOEFL internet based:

Overall: 90 Reading: 18 Listening: 18 Speaking: 20 Writing: 21

  • Cambridge English: Cambridge certificate C1 Advanced or C2 Proficiency (formerly known as CAE/CPE)
  • European Baccalaureate, English level L1 or L2
  • Please note that TOEFL MyBest Scores are not considered in the Admissions procedure

A prospective student can always apply for an exemption from the English language test. The student needs to explain, and if required show proof of, why an exemption would be justified. It is up to the Admission Board to decide whether an exemption will be granted or not.

other admission requirements

Academic Bachelor degree with some background knowledge in Population Studies, incl. at least 10 ECTS in statistics or equivalent statistical knowledge​, ​5 ECTS in research method skills and 15 ECTS in demography-related ​thematic knowledge.

Applicants are advised to follow (courses of) the Minor in Population Studies before entering the Master Programme.

Application deadlines

Type of studentDeadlineStart course
Dutch students15 August 202501 September 2025
15 January 202601 February 2026
15 August 202601 September 2026
EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 November 202501 February 2026
01 May 202601 September 2026
01 November 202601 February 2027
non-EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 November 202501 February 2026
01 May 202601 September 2026
01 November 202601 February 2027

If you are considering applying for a start in February, please know that this has practical implications for your studies. We advise a start in September as the programme is better suited for a September start. Before applying for a February start in our programme and paying the application fee for students with a foreign diploma, we advise you to discuss your application with one of our Study Advisors (study.advice.fss

Tuition fees

NationalityYearFeeProgramme form
EU/EEA2024-2025€ 2530full-time
non-EU/EEA2024-2025€ 20800full-time
EU/EEA2025-2026€ 2601full-time
non-EU/EEA2025-2026€ 21400full-time

Scholarships: Check the Nuffic website for information about scholarships.

Students are expected to follow our Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy. For more detailed information about laptop requirements, please visit this webpage

Practical information for:

After your studies

Career options include working at:

  • local planning and government offices (e.g. muncipality, GGD)
  • (inter)national statistical offices (e.g. Statistics Netherlands, Eurostat)
  • demographic and interdisciplinary research institutes (e.g. NIDI, PBL, Oranjewoud, SCP, RIVM)
  • universities (e.g. RuG, Uva, UU, EUR, Tilburg, Wageningen, abroad)
  • agencies of the United Nations Development Group (UNFPA)
  • Non-governmental organizations (Healthnet TPO, doctors without borders)
  • Private companies (e.g. as data manager or communication expert)

During the programme at the University of Groningen we offer support for your career preparation.

Throughout the year we offer support for practical career preparation and employability skills. Workshops are given about leadership, job interviews and how to present yourself. More information about the FSS Career Services.

See where our alumni end up in this graphic !

Job prospects

The Master Population Studies trains you to become a versatile demographer. As a demographer you are competent in describing and analyzing both the population dynamics of different countries or regions and the demographic behaviour of individuals or population groups. Also you are an expert in predicting the likely demographic developments for the future.

Because of the interdisciplinary nature of the master programme, you are capable of reflecting on how the context in which we live affects individual demographic behaviour and leads to different population dynamics, which again has societal consequences. Individual demographic behaviour and population dynamics are crucial to understand because of their effects on the economy, the environment, social networks, social cohesion, health and healthcare, pension reforms and social security, family life and wellbeing. Governments, for example, use demographic knowledge in their policy-making, for planning purposes (schools, housing, health care) or to identify potential problems. Also, in international development cooperation, demographic information is crucial. Demographers have a good understanding of contemporary societal problems and issues that affect people in their daily life.

During the programme we offer support for your career preparation.

More information about the Careers Company
More information about the UG Career Services
See where our alumni end up in this graphic



The Master's thesis topics are integrated in the research theme of the Population Research Centre: “Population and Wellbeing in Context”. This comprises topics such as population decline, population ageing, global migration, life of migrants, healthy ageing in society, families, households, residence, causes of death, child health, nutrition, access to health care, place making of elderly.

The master programme clearly reflects the major characteristics of the research programme by focussing on both the macro (population) and micro level (the demographic behaviour of people); by adopting multi-disciplinary perspectives (demography, epidemiology, anthropology, geography, social ageing, nutrition); by teaching both quantitative and qualitative research methods; by focusing on the translation of research into policies or interventions.

The students learn the theories, methods and skills that the different teachers apply in their research. They participate in seminars and discussion groups in an active research environment including guest lectures and seminars by established professionals from other demographic institutions.

Part of the Master Programme is the participation in the Dutch Demography Day - a conference for demographers.

Featured researchers

Apply nowBrochureEventsContact


  • Saskia Enuma, Reinier Schoep, Nienke Harteveld (Study Advisors Faculty of Spatial Sciences)
    Email: study.advice.fss

"I received invaluable assistance from professors and approachable students, enabling me to quickly adapt to the intricacies of the university's functioning"

After completing my bachelor's degree in Uganda, my primary objective was to further my knowledge in the field of demography, which led me to pursue the Master's programme Population Studies at the University of Groningen. Upon my arrival in Groningen, the Netherlands, I initially faced unfamiliarity with the university's system and operations.

Fortunately, I received invaluable assistance from professors and approachable students, enabling me to quickly adapt to the intricacies of the university's functioning.

The University of Groningen employs cutting-edge technology, ensuring seamless navigation through campus programs such as lectures, exams, and registration. Moreover, the provision of timely email reminders for important tasks minimizes the risk of missing crucial deadlines. I am particularly grateful for the exceptional support extended by Billie de Haas, the head of the department, who diligently assisted me in overcoming various challenges. Even when faced with problems for which immediate solutions were unavailable, she promptly directed me to the appropriate resources.

The university community possesses commendable proficiency in English, facilitating effective communication. This linguistic advantage ensures that individuals encountered during my time at the university were capable of engaging in meaningful dialogue. The students themselves are not only adept communicators but also reliable friends, always willing to offer assistance both inside and outside the classroom. Furthermore, the student ncommunity regularly organizes events designed to foster connections among peers and staff members. Such initiatives create an open and approachable atmosphere, facilitating interactions with faculty and fellow students.

Among the many courses offered, two notable ones are "Qualitative Research Methods for Policy and Practice" and "Qualitative Research Method." These courses provide valuable insights into complex social phenomena, human behavior, and lived experiences. Widely employed in disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, psychology, education, and healthcare, qualitative research utilizes rigorous and systematic approaches to data collection, analysis, and interpretation. It helps uncover profound meanings and understand the diverse perspectives of individuals and communities.

However, it is important to address the housing predicament faced by students. The demand for accommodation exceeds the available supply, posing challenges in securing suitable living arrangements. As an international student from a non-EU country, I encountered difficulties in finding housing. While numerous housing options can be found online, exercising caution and prudently selecting trustworthy sources becomes imperative.

- Delilah Namutebi

"The interdisciplinary and international setting at the faculty has provided me with an opportunity to grow – also personally - while studying alongside students from all over the world"

The Master Population Studies (for me as part of the DDM Demography and Social Inequality) provides students with tools to observe and model population dynamics, explicitly considering the role of spatial context. Coming from the field of (micro-)sociology, I especially benefitted from insights into macro-level processes interacting with (and informing) individual-level decision-making.

Also, having a mainly quantitative research background, I was interested in how statistics could be enriched through a more qualitative, conceptually rich perspective – and how the findings we produce as researchers can be taken up for policy-advice and public opinion- and decision-making.

At the Population Research Centre you find both; empirically open, qualitative research aiming to understand individuals’ living environment and thought processes, and quantitative research allowing generalization to a broader population. The idea that the research we conduct needs also to able to inform political decision-making and should be translated for a broader audience is strongly engraved in the spirit of the programme.

At the same time, the interdisciplinary and international setting at the faculty has provided me with an opportunity to grow – also personally. I have studied alongside students from all over the world, providing their unique perspective and experiences going beyond the German-Dutch context I was used to. Additionally, especially within the context of the one-year master and the four-block-system common in Dutch higher education institutions, students are really asked to coordinate tasks arising from the requirements of the various courses.

At the same time, the wide array of topics covered in lectures, seminars and workshops at the faculty of spatial sciences itself and at other faculties (in which students can take part within the context of elective courses) allows students to get a broad overview of promising areas of research and develop their own research interest. This experience has further encouraged me to pursue a career in academia and a PhD.

- Elias Hofmann

Photo credits: MPIfG/AD

"Through new inspiring perspectives brought by its broad international context and great professional possibilities, this master's degree is perfect for those who want to develop new skills for social sciences"

After finishing my bachelor's degree in statistics, studying Population Studies as part of the Double Degree Master's (DDM) in Social Demography (University Pompeu Fabra & University of Groningen) was the best combination to link my interest in social sciences with my existing academic background. Through new inspiring perspectives brought by its broad international context and great professional possibilities, this DDM is perfect for those who want to develop new skills for social sciences.

This master’s degree allowed me to expand my knowledge and interests on a wide range of fields, from geographies of health inequalities to migration dynamics, while being given the concrete tools to practice research in these areas. The methodology courses were my personal highlight. The combination of qualitative and quantitative methods courses provided me with a resourceful toolkit that I will be confidently able to draw upon in any future academic and professional projects. Moreover, the engaging learning methods and the constant contact with international community make this challenging learning path into an enjoyable master's degree.

Last but not least, students are able apply the new skills taking on different professional opportunities, from research internships within the faculty or in other local and national organisations and companies. With the synthesis of all this aspects, from content and methods courses to its context, I feel prepared and well equipped for future professional experiences both in the public and private sector.

- Júlia Tena

"The Master's in Population Studies gave me a solid educational foundation, practical experience, and a supportive network"

After completing my bachelor's degree in Human Geography and Planning at the faculty of Spatial Sciences, I wanted to specialize in demography and population dynamics. That's why I chose to start with the Master's in Population Studies. I genuinely enjoyed the courses in the programme and found them to be incredibly insightful. The range of topics covered was diverse, offering both breadth and depth of knowledge.

Despite the diversity of subjects, the courses managed to maintain a good level of depth, ensuring a solid understanding of each topic. Furthermore, the courses included field trips to organizations and companies in our field of work and to conferences related to our studies, such as the Dutch Demography Day.

What made the experience even better was the cohort of around 20 students. This close-knit community created an environment where everyone knew each other by name, transforming classmates into friends and colleagues. It also led to some valuable discussions during lectures, enriching our understanding of the course material.

One notable aspect of the programme was the opportunity for internships. I took advantage of this and completed an internship, which provided practical insights beyond the classroom. This experience not only expanded my practical skills but also played a significant role in helping me secure a job after graduation.

Looking back, the Master's in Population Studies was a valuable step forward for me. It gave me a solid educational foundation, practical experience, and a supportive network. The combination of well-structured courses, a tight-knit community, and real-world exposure has undoubtedly shaped my academic and professional journey in a positive way.

- Wout van Hoorn

Workfield of Population Studies alumni

This infographic shows in which workfield alumni of the master's programme ended up, and is based on alumni who graduated between 2022 and 2024. As is visible, the majority of the alumni have found a job relevant to their field of study within 6 months since graduating.

Study associations

Ibn Battuta

Ibn Battuta is the Faculty Association of Spatial Sciences
Becoming a member of Ibn Battuta means you can join the social drinks, foreign trips, lectures and all other activities organized by the Association. At these events you come into contact with students from all years, which is a great way to make friends that can last a lifetime! Ibn Battuta also organizes informative and career-focused activities. Our informative activities, such as lectures, In-Housedays and the Career Day will help you to orient on your future.
Study support

For any questions about your study planning, choice of study and personal circumstances that influence your study, you can contact the study advisors of the Faculty of Spatial Sciences. For more information, see