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Onderwijs Master en PhD opleidingen Learning in Interaction (deeltijd)
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Learning in Interaction

How do students learn in schools? What role do individual differences play in learning? How can you improve learning environments to optimally help students learn and develop?

Common to all processes referred to in the questions above, is that they take place while and because we interact. Interaction is the motor of learning and development, and therefore key to improving education.

While we all can recognize these interactions, in this master’s track you will learn to take a scientific, evidence-based approach to better examine these day-to-day interactions. This master zooms in on the complex processes through which we learn academic subjects, develop cognitive and meta-cognitive skills, and acquire social competencies.

Different theoretical perspectives and didactic approaches come together in this master’s track. You will understand learning processes in context, and be capable to examine the challenges that arise in optimizing learning environments to learners' needs.

You can also follow this program full-time.

Feiten & Cijfers
MSc in Onderwijswetenschappen
Type opleiding
24 maanden (60 ECTS)
Croho code
Gedrags- en maatschappijwetenschappen
Waarom dit programma in Groningen?
  • Revolves around learning processes
  • Current research meets education and practice
  • Close collaboration with staff in their research project
  • One-year internationally oriented master
Elective course (for example Educational Organization and Management (5 EC, facultatief)
*Methods and Techniques for Evaluation research (5 EC)
Learning in Human Interaction (5 EC)
Learning in Interaction with artefacts (5 EC)
Student Diversity in the Inclusive Classroom (5 EC)
Reflection in & on Learning (5 EC)
*Internship (10 EC)
*Master thesis (20 EC)


Courses marked * are general courses

Studeren in het buitenland

  • Studeren in het buitenland is niet voorzien


Doorstromen vanaf..

Alle HBO instellingen

Via een pre-master van maximaal 60 EC

Extra informatie:
  • Students with a related higher professional education (ALO, PABO/PA, hbo-pedagogiek, HKP, HPO, 4-jarige tweedegraads lerarenopleidingen en hbo-psychologie): see
  • For unrelated hbo: see 'written request'
Social WorkAlle HBO instellingen

Via een pre-master

Extra informatie:

Here is the associated exit profile: Youth

Academische opleiding leraar basisonderwijsAlle WO instellingen

Toelating onder voorwaarden

Aanvullende eisen:
  • (motivatie-)brief
Extra informatie:
  • applies to students with a bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences from a university other than the RUG
Pedagogische WetenschappenRijksuniversiteit GroningenDrempelloze toelating
PsychologieRijksuniversiteit Groningen

Toelating onder voorwaarden

Extra informatie:

The admissions committee assesses whether you are eligible.

SociologieRijksuniversiteit Groningen

Toelating onder voorwaarden

Extra informatie:

The admissions committee assesses whether you are eligible.


Specifieke eisenExtra informatie

To be considered for admission to the MSc in Educational Sciences/Learning in Interaction, you would need an academic Bachelor's degree which is comparable, in level, to the Dutch (research) university Bachelor. This degree should be in the field of Educational Sciences or in one of the other Social Sciences (Psychology or Sociology).

IMPORTANT NOTE: Our programme deals with the academic study of educational processes, and it is therefore not aimed at directly developing teaching (pedagogical or didactical) skills.

minimum kennis

The transcripts show evidence of sufficient courses on:

  • General research methods (preferably quantitative AND qualitative)
  • Statistics for the social sciences (basic and inferential)
  • Academic disciplinary knowledge on education, developmental psychology, educational psychology, sociology of education, and adjacent fields.

Previous experience with academic writing (e.g., Bachelor thesis), is desirable, but not an entry requirement.

taaltoets cijfer

The official language of the programme is English. Non-native English speakers must provide evidence of satisfactory results for one of the standard tests mentioned below. Official test results must be supplied. Please note, we do not accept Institutional TOEFL results as evidence of English proficiency.

C1 Advanced (formerly CAE): C1 IELTS: overall 6.5; listening 6; reading 6; writing 6.5; speaking 6.5 TOEFL paper based: overall 575; speaking 55; writing 45 TOEFL computer based 237 TOEFL internet based: overall 90; speaking 19; writing 21

overige toelatingseisen

If the Board of Admissions doubts whether an applicant possesses content knowledge that matches our entry requirements, the Board of Admissions might request the applicant to submit an assignment and to hold a digital interview to discuss the submitted assignment.

IMPORTANT: International students who need unconditional admission to apply for a scholarship need to apply to the programme at least 2 months previous to the scholarship application deadline.


To apply for this programme, first go to Studielink. After you have submitted your details in Studielink, you will receive an e-mail with the information necessary to activate your user account for The Progress Portal.
See the application procedure for some guidance in Progress Portal.

Then, please upload the following documents in The Progress Portal:

  • a copy of the (Bachelor) diploma on the basis of which you ask admission to our programme (both original language and translated in English)
  • a copy of your transcript of courses (both original language and translated in English)
  • a copy of your results for one of the mentioned English tests (except for native speakers)
  • a copy of your passport or ID card

    If you have any doubts about your application, please contact us at: admissionsoffice


Type studentDeadlineStart opleiding
Nederlandse studenten01 juni 202501 september 2025


Specifieke eisenExtra informatie

To be considered for admission to the MSc in Educational Sciences/Learning in Interaction, you would need an academic Bachelor's degree which is comparable, in level, to the Dutch (research) university Bachelor. This degree should be in the field of Educational Sciences or in one of the other Social Sciences (Psychology or Sociology).

IMPORTANT NOTE: Our programme deals with the academic study of educational processes, and it is therefore not aimed at directly developing teaching (pedagogical or didactical) skills.

minimum kennis

The transcripts show evidence of sufficient courses on:

General research methods (preferably quantitative AND qualitative) Statistics for the social sciences (basic and inferential) Academic disciplinary knowledge on education, developmental psychology, educational psychology, sociology of education, and adjacent fields. Previous experience with academic writing (e.g., Bachelor thesis), is desirable, but not an entry requirement.

overige toelatingseisen

If the Board of Admissions doubts whether an applicant possesses content knowledge that matches our entry requirements, the Board of Admissions might request the applicant to submit an assignment and to hold a digital interview to discuss the submitted assignment.

IMPORTANT: International students who need unconditional admission to apply for a scholarship need to apply to the programme at least 2 months previous to the scholarship application deadline.


To apply for this programme, first go to Studielink. After you have submitted your details in Studielink, you will receive an e-mail with the information necessary to activate your user account for The Progress Portal.
See the application procedure for some guidance in Progress Portal.

Then, please upload the following documents in The Progress Portal:

  • a copy of the (Bachelor) diploma on the basis of which you ask admission to our programme (both original language and translated in English)
  • a copy of your transcript of courses (both original language and translated in English)
  • a copy of your results for one of the mentioned English tests (except for native speakers)
  • a copy of your passport or ID card

    If you have any doubts about your application, please contact us at: admissionsoffice


Type studentDeadlineStart opleiding
Nederlandse studenten01 juni 202501 september 2025
EU/EER2024-2025€ 1863deeltijd

Praktische informatie voor:

Na je studie


Career services BSS
Where do you want to work after your studies? You can contact
Career Services already during your studies. They will help you orientate on your career, develop your skills, apply for jobs and find an internship.

Potentiële beroepen

  • Educational consultant

    in all sectors of public and private education, as well as in public and private training.

  • Developer of educational materials

    for any level of education, from primary- to higher education.


Our research is conducted within the Groningen Institute for Educational Research (GION), which allows for smooth connections between the research we do and the courses we teach. This means that your research project (Master's thesis) will be supervised by active researchers in the field and that your project will be closely connected to a larger research initiative.

On the GION web pages you can also find examples of current research.

Staff members Learning in Interaction

prof. dr. Jan-Willem Strijbos
expertise: technology-enhanced learning; collaborative learning; peer assessment and feedback.

prof. dr. Alexander Minnaert
expertise: motivational social-emotional, neurological, and (meta)cognitive aspects in development and (gifted) student learning, implementation of educational innovations aiming at development, self-regulated, collaborative learning and inclusion.

dr. Jasperina Brouwer
expertise: higher education; workplace learning.

dr Marjolein Deunk
expertise: teacher-child interactions; language and literacy development; early childhood education and care; discourse analysis; cultural diversity in education; differentiation.

dr. Danny Kostons
expertise: self-regulated learning, executive functioning, eye-tracking.

dr. Mayra Mascareño Lara
expertise: classroom interactions; instructional quality; development in early childhood.

dr. Alma Spijkerboer
expertise: developmental psychology, neuropsychology, executive functioning, digital learning environments, self-regulating learning and reading comprehension in secondary education.

Thesis topics

The topics below are some examples of thesis topics:

Support of beginning teachers.

Student engagement in Chinese elementary schools.

Beginning teachers fulfillment of psychological needs and well-being.

Student engagement in learning modalities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Addressing ethic-cultural diversity in Dutch classrooms.

Growth mindset for the environment.

Effect of a Virtual Reality on Classroom Management Strategies.

Effectiveness of career orientation and guidance activities in secondary education.

Differences in need-supportive teaching between students with and without special educational needs.

Culturally responsive teaching self-efficacy of teachers that educate newcomers in the Netherlands.

Nu aanmeldenBrochureEvenementenContact


  • Admissions Office Bss (for students with a non-Dutch diploma)
    Email: admission
  • Dr. Mayra Mascareño (staff member)
    Email: m.n.mascareno.lara
    Telefoon: +31 (0)50 363 6912
  • Study Advisor Educational Sciences
    Email: studyadvice.peduc
						Testimonial van	docent Danny Kostons

    Je krijgt een diep theoretisch inzicht in hoe leren werkt in interactie met andere mensen, artefacts en met jezelf

    – docent Danny Kostons
    Lees verder
    ‘Tot 4 vwo was ik een goede leerling die achten en negens haalde. Toen kwam de tweede fase met het studiehuis. Het idee was dat leerlingen daardoor zelfregulerend zouden gaan leren. Het gevolg was dat mijn cijfers voor de exacte vakken in een vrije val belandden en ik met de hakken over de sloot slaagde. Mijn studie technische informatica werd een fiasco omdat ik nooit had geleerd hoe ik moest leren. Daar ben ik zó boos over geweest. Je kunt mensen niet zomaar in het diepe gooien. Voordat je je eigen leerproces kunt sturen, moet je eerst over de juiste vaardigheden beschikken.

    Er bestaan veel hardnekkige mythes omtrent leren, bijvoorbeeld dat er verschillende leerstijlen zouden bestaan. In deze mastertrack doe je gedegen wetenschappelijke kennis op over wat wel en wat niet werkt. We richten ons op alle microprocessen in- en buiten de klas. Studenten krijgen een diep theoretisch inzicht in hoe leren werkt in interactie met andere mensen, met artefacts zoals boeken, apps en virtual reality, en in interactie met zichzelf. Ik geef les in Reflection in & on learning: hoe kan een individuele student na zijn studie zichzelf redden richting professionalisering en een leven lang leren? Onze studenten komen vaak terecht in internationale omgevingen. Ze ontwikkelen onderwijsmateriaal, apps, virtual reality-omgevingen. Mijn tip: kijk welke onderzoeksprojecten er de afgelopen twee jaar binnen onze track zijn geweest. Dat geeft je een goed beeld van waar jij waarschijnlijk straks mee bezig gaat.’

For the master's track Learning in Interaction

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