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Education Master's and PhD degree programmes Linguistics - Research Language and Cognition - Research
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Language and Cognition

How is language stored in the brain? How do we acquire a foreign language? How can we explain patterns of language use in terms of underlying structures, and also the role of language in society?

The Language and Cognition programme offers training in linguistics which reflects the areas of expertise among linguists at the University of Groningen. In addition to required courses, which cover core areas of the discipline, students may choose from courses in neuro- and psycholinguistics, theoretical linguistics, developmental linguistics, computational linguistics, discourse analysis, sociolinguistics and communication studies. These are the focus areas of excellent, multidisciplinary research carried out in the Centre for Language and Cognition Groningen (CLCG) and the Groningen Research School for Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience (BCN).

The programme is meant for talented students from all over the world who aspire to do research in the field of Linguistics. After finishing the degree, you will have acquired essential research skills and fundamental knowledge of linguistic analysis, language development, and language processing. This programme is a selective admission two-year Research Master's programme that prepares you for entry into a related PhD program, or other research positions.

Are you curious if you are eligible for the Research Master's programme? Check the entry requirements. While admission for the second semester is possible, we advise most students to begin in the fall so that they can follow the course sequence with their cohort.

Sign up now for the Master's week from 24-28 March!
Facts & Figures
MA in Linguistics (research)
Course type
Research master
24 months (120 ECTS)
Croho code
Language of instruction
February, September

Why study this programme in Groningen?

  • The programme is flexible and research-focused: students can create their own track based on the specializations of our linguistics staff, for example in bilingualism, language processing, acquisition, and discourse analysis
  • Our staff are internationally recognized experts in their fields
  • A Research Training module offers the opportunity for hands-on research experience in the first year
  • In the Research Internship in year two you can work alongside experts in your area of specializati


CoursesCourse Catalog >1a1b2a2b
Basic Statistics (5 EC)
Electives: Courses from other MA programmes; Research Training (10 EC)
Linguistic Analysis (10 EC)
Seminar/Summerschool/Winterschool 1 (5 EC)
Corpus Linguistics (5 EC)
Designing your Research Project (5 EC)
Electives: Courses from other MA programmes; Research Training (15 EC)
CoursesCourse Catalog >1a1b2a2b
Advanced Research Training (25 EC)
Seminar/Summerschool/Winterschool 2 (5 EC)
ReMa Thesis (30 EC)


Please note that individual courses may possibly still change in the event of a programme change.

Study abroad

  • Study abroad is recommended

Students have the opportunity to choose an internship location abroad or at the University of Groningen. Students have followed their internship/courses at the following locations:

Boston Children's Hospital, USA: Data collection with MRI for research on language disorders

TEXTGAIN BV: working on the EU Project PANORAMA Developing hate speech monitoring technology for Greek and Albanian

Bilingualism and Aging Lab at the University of Groningen. The Netherlands: research on language learning in the third age, working with behavioral and neuroimaging data

Reading's Institute of Education, UK: collecting, processing and analyzing eye-tracking data

Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, Austria: Dynamic Analysis of Language Learning in the Third Age project

University of Leeds, Leeds Child Development Center: children's online adjective processing, processing in referential communication

University of Stellenbosch, Taalsentrum, South Africa: readability measurement of texts written in Afrikaans and IsiXhosa

University of Stockholm, Linguistics Department, Sweden: typology, evolution, and extended uses of temperature in language, data collection and analysis of Germanic languages

University of Bristol, UK, OPEN project: conversation analytic research on out-of-hours primary medical care

Entry requirements

Admission requirements

Specific requirementsMore information
previous education

Prospective students with a Bachelor's degree in Linguistics or another Bachelor's degree with a substantial linguistics component are eligible for admission to this Master's track. Examples of these types of Bachelor's programmes are:

  • a modern European language and culture study
  • Communication- and Information Science
  • Humanities Computing/Information Science
  • Linguistics
  • Speech and Hearing
  • Other related fields
grade list

Excellent results on relevant course work and a 8,0 or higher on the BA thesis (or equivalent in the grading system of a foreign university). An overview of the results achieved so far within the Bachelor's degree programme and/or other university degree programmes is required.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

A Curriculum Vitae (CV)

language test

Additional English language requirement: A VWO diploma or a subject certificate for VWO English (mark 6 or higher), minimum requirement of TOEFL iBT 100 (with a minimum score for speaking and writing of 25 (each)), or an IELTS score of 7 (with a minimum of 6.5 on all items). Cambridge C1 Advanced or C2 Proficiency with a minimum score of 185.

reference letter

Two personal letters of recommendation from staff members who can comment on the students' affinity with and capacities for research.

(motivation-) letter

A letter outlining the prospective student's motivation for selecting the programme and Research Master's track, including their expectations and interests.

other admission requirements

The selection procedure is also based on an evaluation of degree certificates, student motivation, the thesis or other writing sample, and fit for the UG programme. Students who have not yet completed their Bachelor can be given provisional admission.

To assess whether your educational/academic background meets the specific programme requirements, we will consider the level and curriculum of your previous studies, and the grades that you have obtained. This evaluation is carried out by our Admissions Office and the Admissions Board.

Transfer options

Transferring from...

Study programmeOrganizationTransition
European Languages and CulturesUniversity of Groningen

Additional requirements

More information:

This programme has a selection procedure

English Language and CultureUniversity of Groningen

Additional requirements

More information:

This programme has a selection procedure

Communication and Information StudiesUniversity of Groningen

Additional requirements

More information:

This programme has a selection procedure

Information ScienceUniversity of Groningen

Additional requirements

More information:

This programme has a selection procedure

LinguisticsUniversity of Groningen

Additional requirements

More information:

This programme has a selection procedure

Minorities & MultilingualismUniversity of Groningen

Additional requirements

More information:

This programme has a selection procedure.

Study programmeOrganizationTransition
LinguisticsAll Research universities

Additional requirements

More information:

This programme has a selection procedure

Information ScienceAll Research universities

Additional requirements

More information:

This programme has a selection procedure

Communication and Information StudiesAll Research universities

Additional requirements

More information:

This programme has a selection procedure

English Language and CultureAll Research universities

Additional requirements

More information:

This programme has a selection procedure

European Languages and CulturesAll Research universities

Additional requirements

More information:

This programme has a selection procedure

Minorities & MultilingualismAll Research universities

Additional requirements

More information:

This programme has a selection procedure.

Selection procedure

Application deadlines

Type of studentDeadlineStart course
Dutch students01 May 202501 September 2025
15 October 202501 February 2026
01 May 202601 September 2026
15 October 202601 February 2027
EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
15 October 202501 February 2026
01 May 202601 September 2026
15 October 202601 February 2027
non-EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
15 October 202501 February 2026
01 May 202601 September 2026
15 October 202601 February 2027

Admission requirements

Specific requirementsMore information
previous education

Prospective students with a Bachelor's degree in Linguistics or another Bachelor's degree with a substantial linguistics component are eligible for admission to this Master's track. Examples of these types of Bachelor's programmes are:

  • a modern European language and culture study
  • Communication- and Information Science
  • Humanities Computing/Information Science
  • Linguistics
  • Speech and Hearing
  • Other related fields
grade list

Excellent results on relevant course work and a 8,0 or higher on the BA thesis (or equivalent in the grading system of a foreign university). An overview of the results achieved so far within the Bachelor's degree programme and/or other university degree programmes is required.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

A Curriculum Vitae (CV)

language test

Additional English language requirement: A VWO diploma or a subject certificate for VWO English (mark 6 or higher), minimum requirement of TOEFL iBT 100 (with a minimum score for speaking and writing of 25 (each)), or an IELTS score of 7 (with a minimum of 6.5 on all items). Cambridge C1 Advanced or C2 Proficiency with a minimum score of 185.

reference letter

Two personal letters of recommendation from staff members who can comment on the students' affinity with and capacities for research.

(motivation-) letter

A letter outlining the prospective student's motivation for selecting the programme and Research Master's track, including their expectations and interests.

other admission requirements

The selection procedure is also based on an evaluation of degree certificates, student motivation, the thesis or other writing sample, and fit for the UG programme. Students who have not yet completed their Bachelor can be given provisional admission.

To assess whether your educational/academic background meets the specific programme requirements, we will consider the level and curriculum of your previous studies, and the grades that you have obtained. This evaluation is carried out by our Admissions Office and the Admissions Board.

Selection procedure

Application deadlines

Type of studentDeadlineStart course
Dutch students01 May 202501 September 2025
15 October 202501 February 2026
01 May 202601 September 2026
15 October 202601 February 2027
EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
15 October 202501 February 2026
01 May 202601 September 2026
15 October 202601 February 2027
non-EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
15 October 202501 February 2026
01 May 202601 September 2026
15 October 202601 February 2027

Tuition fees

NationalityYearFeeProgramme form
EU/EEA2024-2025€ 2530full-time
non-EU/EEA2024-2025€ 18700full-time
EU/EEA2025-2026€ 2601full-time
non-EU/EEA2025-2026€ 19200full-time

Practical information for:

After your studies

Job prospects

After graduation, you are well prepared for a career in research. In fact, this track is an ideal stepping stone to a PhD position at a university. You can conduct research in many sub-fields of Linguistics, such as Neuro- or Clinical Linguistics, Language Development, Sociolinguistics or Theoretical Linguistics. Other options are Speech Technology, Discourse and Communication and Computer Linguistics.

During the Research Master's programme in Linguistics you will acquire a wide-ranging set of skills useful in a wide range of domains.

Analytical skills involve the ability to recognize patterns and link these to theoretical explanations.

Communication skills, such as writing and giving oral presentations, are part of all coursework and you receive experience and feedback to hone your abilities in these areas.

Students in our programme further gain experience in working as a team, through course projects but also the required internship.

A final focus is on methodological skills; through required coursework in statistics and corpus analysis students learn how to analyze corpora of texts to make generalizations based on quantitative findings. Elective modules are also available which train students to design experiments and carry out research in laboratory environments.

Job examples

  • Applied researcher
  • Information specialist at a public organization (e.g. the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Police Academy, or the Centraal Administratiekantoor)
  • Science journalist
  • Copywriter
  • Project leader
  • Educational specialist at a publisher
  • Lecturer in secondary education
  • Research oriented career in Linguistics


The programme in Language and Cognition is tied to the Groningen Research Institute in Linguistics (CLCG) and is also affiliated with the Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics (LOT) and Research School of Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences (BCN).

Research institute CLCG

The Center for Language and Cognition Groningen (CLCG) is a research institute within the Faculty of Arts of the University of Groningen. It is the institutional home for all the linguistic research carried out within the faculty, and students have the opportunity to work with members of this center who specialize in their area of interest. Please see to view the profiles of individual researchers. Within the CLCG there are four different research groups:

Computational Linguistics

Discourse and Communication

Neurolinguistics and Language Development

Theoretical and Empirical Linguistics

Publishing your own work

Students are encouraged to present their work at conferences and submit it for publication, often co-authoring with instructors who guide them through the process of research, compiling and reporting results, and academic writing. Having published during your studies is a big plus when applying for a PhD position. Every year at least four students of the Research Master publish their work somewhere.

LOT Research School

LOT is an acronym of Landelijke Onderzoekschool Taalwetenschap (National Graduate School of Linguistics). The research by the LOT institutes covers all major areas of linguistics as well as a wide range of methodological tools and theoretical frameworks. LOT organises the national graduate courses and offers a Winter School in January and a Summer School in June/July on various locations throughout the Netherlands and Belgium. As a Language and Cognition student you will attend at least two Summer or Winter schools (the cost of which is paid for by the university) and complete assignments about the courses in order to obtain 10 ECTS.

More info


For students interested in language acquisition, it is possible to get LOT credits for attending the EMLAR (Experimental Methods in Language Acquisition Research) conference.

More info

Other conferences

Language and Cognition students are encouraged to attend national and international conferences. The TABU DAG is an international linguistics conference organized at the University of Groningen and provides one opportunity for students to hear presentations or give their own!


The university offers student assistant positions to a limited number of students. This paid position can have a duration up to a whole year and is usually for one day per week. The activities can be very diverse: teaching and educational support or assisting in a study or other projects. A researcher will usually ask you for these positions.

Apply nowBrochureEventsContact


  • Ask Your Question Here (please fill in this contact form, we will answer you as soon as possible.)
  • Dr. Angeliek van Hout (Programme Coordinator)
    Email: a.m.h.van.hout
  • Caroline Dijkema (Study Advisor)
    Email: rema.linguistics.advice
  • Manou Jonink (coordinator: for all questions regarding application)
    Email: rema.arts
  • Maureen Prins (Student Ambassador)

NL Scholarships

The University of Groningen offers NL Scholarships to international students from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) who want to do their master’s in the Netherlands. Read more on the NL Scholarships and on how to apply.

Petra Hendriks: Professor of Semantics and Cognition

If you are interested in Linguistics and really want to dive into it, I think these two years of training are better than a one-year programme, as it provides you with more experience in doing actual research. Many students may not consider a Research Master's because it can feel intimidating.

I really like that the programme starts with a group of students with completely different backgrounds. Some of them may have a strong background in linguistics, but not everyone. Then you see them find their research interests or even switch their initial research interests once they learn more about another areas of linguistics. This shows that our first year of the programme allows students to become familiar with a lot of different areas of linguistics. These interests are then fully fleshed out during the Advanced Research Training and the thesis. By the end of the programme, they share some linguistic knowledge but are specialized in their own specific subfield of linguistics.

In comparison to other Research Master’s programmes in the Netherlands, our programme is closely linked to our Research Institute (CLCG), of which I am the director. The Research Institute has a lot of really interesting and strong international research on computational linguistics, psycho- and neurolinguistics, theoretical linguistics and language variation, communication science, and all the areas in which these intersect.


Visit our staff page and meet our teachers.

Master’s degree programme in Linguistics

The Faculty of Arts also offers a one year master’s degree programme in Linguistics.

Study support

If you have any questions or doubts about your studies, you can always contact the study advisor. He or she knows all the ins and outs of the program and personal planning. Study advisors are impartial and everything that is discussed is treated confidentially. They can also help you find the right institutions and student desks for your problems.