Staff members
(Johannes) Westberg
Expertise: History of Education, including the history of
school subjects, material culture, school finance, school
architecture, and the teaching profession.
Courses: Education for a better World; Expertise,
education and psychological practice
Current research: I am currently involved in a number of
projects, and have a wide range of interests. In the academic year
of 2020-21 I’m working on or finishing articles and chapters
on the history of kindergartens; the transnational history of
infant schools; the discourses of school crisis in Sweden; the
nation, manliness and physical education; the roles of European
ninteenth century school acts, the everyday lives of teachers, and
the marketization of Swedish preschools.
(Brenda) Bartelink
Expertise: Anthropology of relationship building, gender
relations, parenting and family in the context of diversity. I am
interested in how people in everyday life deal with and respond to
normative views and discourses about relationship building,
parenting and upbringing. In my own research I mainly focus on how
people navigate normative approaches to gender and sexuality in
their daily lives. In increasingly diverse societies, such as the
Dutch, there are also greater differences between how people
approach this and what they encounter in it. As a qualitative
researcher and ethnographer, I therefore mainly look at the
everyday ethics that speak from the daily actions and lives of
people. I publish on this subject with special attention to
cultural and religious diversity.
Courses: Family and Family Pedagogy, Theoretical Pedagogy,
Qualitative Methods
Current research: Religious and cultural diversity in
youth care; Sexual and relational formation in upbringing and
education; Mothers and Motherhood: Personal, Social and Political
D.D. (Diana) van
Expertise: my academic work focuses on ethnic- and sexual
minority adolescents and emerging adults. I investigate topics such
as youth's psychosocial development and mental health (particularly
suicidality), in relation to the family context, victimization
processes, and ethnic- and sexual minority discrimination or
Courses: Domain Specific Skills
Current research: I am currently involved in several
research projects: 1) The background of suicide and suicidal
behavior of young people in the Netherlands 2) a suicide prevention
intervention study for LGBT Youth 3) Two projects about the
wellbeing and (ethnic) identity development of ethnic minority
youth ("Roots are Powerful" on foster children and "Father Absence"
on Caribbean Dutch youth). 4) Ethical Dilemmas regarding Religious
Issues in Foster Care.
J. (John)
Expertise: religion and education; early modern education;
history of educational studies; freedom of education; Dutch school
system; history of youth care
Courses: Ethics in Care and Education; In the Best
Interest of the Child; Research Thesis; Traineeship
Current research: I am interested in early modern as well
as modern ideas and practices of education. Currently, my research
focuses on Philipp Abraham Kohnstamm and his role as one of the
founders of Dutch educational studies. I’m also researching
the ideas of the Bohemian philosopher John Amos Comenius and his
educational legacy in the Netherlands.
L.W. (Lourens)
van Haaften
Expertise: history of higher education;
internationalisation of education; education and post-colonialism;
test technologies in education; education and
Courses: Citizenship Development and Education; In the
Best Interest of the Child.
Current research: I am a historian with a broad interest
in how education as a transnational phenomenon shapes contemporary
societies. The focus of my work is on developments in India/South
Asia. My research interests include issues related to business and
management education, education and agriculture, education and
citizenship development, the history of testing and assessment,
governmentality and the geopolitics of education. In my research, I
often draw inspiration from the history of knowledge and Science,
Technology and Society studies.
S. (Sanne)
Expertise: cultural transmission, (the history of)
children’s literature, children’s literature and
national identification
Courses: In the interest of the Child 1 and 2
Current research: I am interested in the history of
children’s literature, literature in culture, cultural
transmission and representation. My current research focuses on
identity and identification in historical fiction for children and
the reciprocity between the history of children’s literature
and the history of education. I am also starting up research on the
influence of reading fiction on attitudes and behaviour towards
minority groups.
S.M. (Sarahanna)
Expertise: Research methodology (both qualitative and
quantitative, including the Delphi method and reform methodologies
such as preregistration/registered report and replication, and
ethnography), responsible research and innovation (RRI)
Courses: Domain-Specific Professional Skills; Ethics in Care and
Current research: I am a metascientist, meaning, broadly,
that I use scientific methodology to study science itself. Within
that, my research involves different themes, all involving ethical
and responsible research practice. The main pillars of my research
involve: 1. The scientific subcommunity (known by some as the open
science community, the science reform movement, or
‘metascience’) that is interested in improving how
research is conducted and disseminated. 2. Certain scientific
methodologies, focusing on research ethics and responsible research
and innovation (RRI), and replication. 3. I am interested in
ensuring that the voices represented in scientific discourse are
diverse and varied.
P.A. (Piet)
van der Ploeg
Expertise: Citizenship Education (philosophy, history),
Progressive Education (philosophy, history), Philosophy of
Education (incl. ethics, and history).
Courses: Introduction Ethics, Citizenship Education 1 and
Current research: Currently working on different
*Teaching critical thinking (curriculum and didactics). Important
aspect of 21
st century skills, citizenship education and
Bildung. One of the foci is the relationship between critical
thinking and arts education (in co-operation with some musea in
Rotterdam and Amsterdam).
*The early 20
th century history of (thinking about and
practicing) citizenship education in the US, Japan and China. Very
interesting background of recent policies and practices; helping us
to reflect on contemporary theories, research and discussions.
*Ethics of parental involvement in education. Parental involvement
is a “hot” issue in educational policy and school
practice. Moral questions (f.i. regarding equality, privacy,
parental autonomy, professional autonomy) are not always
*The early 20
th century history of reform and
progressive education (Montessori, Dalton Plan, Project plan etc.
in the US, Japan and China). The international history of
educational innovations is not only interesting for its own sake,
but also instructive for new attempts to reform education.
*The history of the reception and interpretation of important
philosophers of education (f.i. Dewey, Ballauff, and Ts’ai
Yüan-p’ei). Thinking about education has always been a
part of mainstream philosophy (since Plato). The same goes for
th century philosophy, in all traditions. Much to
learn ...