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Education Master's and PhD degree programmes Environmental Psychology
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Environmental Psychology

How can psychology help us understand and adress environmental challenges? How can we motivate and empower people to act pro-environmentally and adapt to a changing environment?

Questions like these are addressed in the Master programme Environmental psychology. The programme focuses on the interactions between humans and their environment. You will acquire theoretical knowledge and methodological skills to understand and address the human dimension of environmental problems (e.g., climate-, energy-, food-related). The program is taught by the world-leading Environmental Psychology group at the University of Groningen.

The expertise gained in this master is essential in attempts to limit global climate change and its negative impacts, and adapt successfully to the consequences of climate change. Governments and companies seek advice from environmental psychologists to understand the human dimension of sustainable development, and leading journals, such as Nature, stress the importance of the social sciences for solving environmental problems. This master will equip you for job opportunities that focus on finding effective and acceptable societal solutions to these problems.

In cooperation with Leuphana University, we also offer the Double Degree Master Sustainability and Environmental Psychology.

Facts & Figures
MSc in Psychology
Course type
12 months (60 ECTS)
Croho code
Language of instruction
Behavioural and Social Sciences

Why study this programme in Groningen?

  • We offer one of the few programmes in the world that focus on the human dimensions of environmental problems.
  • A strong emphasis on theoretically innovative research and application of scientific insights in practice.
  • You can take part in ongoing research of the internationally renowned Environmental Psychology group, or set up your own new research.
  • You can directly apply your insight to real-life cases (e.g. internship).
  • We use innovative teaching methods.


The Environmental Psychology program offers three foundation courses (of which you follow at least two). The course Environmental Psychology introduces you to the main theories. In the course Selected Topics in Environmental Psychology, you will become an expert on a self-chosen topic within the field. Finally, Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Sustainability teaches you to integrate your obtained knowledge with perspectives from other disciplines to better understand and address the complexity of environmental and energy-related problems.

Additionally, the skills course Designing interventions (or alternatively: Personal and societal change), will teach you how to design and evaluate interventions to improve environmental quality. You will also choose a methodological course in which you learn advanced research methods in Environmental Psychology, and follow elective courses (max. two) to tailor the program to your interests and ambitions.

Throughout the year, you will be working on your own research project for your individual master thesis (20 EC) and do an internship (10 EC) to prepare yourself for your future career. You will have the opportunity to be involved in collaborations with other universities, governmental agencies, companies, and NGOs.

CoursesCourse Catalog >1a1b2a2b
Environmental Psychology (5 EC)
An elective course (Choose one) (5 EC)

A course from another master Psychology track (UG) or a self-selected relevant course from:

  • another master Psychology track (other university)
  • another programme and/or other faculty (e.g. Philosophy of Climate Change; Ecology and Ecosystem Sustainability; Critical Approaches to Global Sustainability Challenges)
Internship (10 EC)
Master's thesis (20 EC)
Methodological course (Choose one) (5 EC)
  • Advanced research methods in social and organizational psychology (1a)
  • Repeated Measures (1a)
  • Test construction (2a)
Designing interventions (5 EC)
Personal and societal change (5 EC)
Selected topics in Environmental Psychology (5 EC)
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Sustainability (5 EC)

Study abroad

  • Study abroad is optional

We recommend you to take all the courses as indicated in the programme schedule. If you are interested in writing part of your master thesis abroad, you can discuss this with the master thesis coordinator. In that case, you will be co-supervised by researchers from the university you visit. Our group collaborates with scholars from all over the world.

Entry requirements

Admission requirements

Specific requirementsMore information
previous education

Your previous education and chosen master track determine the application procedure and whether you are eligible for admission to the master or a possible premaster. Check to find the admission requirements that apply to you.

language test

Depending on your background and language of the track of your choice, you will have to submit proof of your proficiency in either Dutch or English. For more information see

Registration procedure

The information can be found on the page about Application, Admission and Selection .

Application deadlines

Type of studentDeadlineStart course
Dutch students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 May 202601 September 2026
EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 May 202601 September 2026
non-EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 May 202601 September 2026

Admission requirements

Specific requirementsMore information
previous education

Your previous education and chosen master track determine the application procedure and whether you are eligible for admission to the master or a possible premaster. Check to find the admission requirements that apply to you.

language test

Depending on your background and language of the track of your choice, you will have to submit proof of your proficiency in either Dutch or English. For more information see

Registration procedure

The information can be found on the page about Application, Admission and Selection.

Application deadlines

Type of studentDeadlineStart course
Dutch students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 May 202601 September 2026
EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 May 202601 September 2026
non-EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 May 202601 September 2026

Tuition fees

NationalityYearFeeProgramme form
EU/EEA2024-2025€ 2530full-time
non-EU/EEA2024-2025€ 20800full-time
EU/EEA2025-2026€ 2601full-time
non-EU/EEA2025-2026€ 21400full-time

Practical information for:

After your studies

Job prospects

There is an increasing demand from practitioners and policy makers to understand the human dimension of sustainable development. Technical solutions alone cannot solve environmental problems: behavioural changes are required and sustainable policies and innovations need to be accepted and adopted by the public. This Master will prepare you for job opportunities in science and practice that focus on finding effective and societally acceptable solutions to environmental problems.

Our programme equips you for positions in practice or science.

Career services BSS
Where do you want to work after your studies? You can contact
Career Services already during your studies. They will help you orientate on your career, develop your skills, apply for jobs and find an internship.

Job examples

  • Project manager on environmental or sustainability topics

    (e.g. waste management)

  • Environmental policy advisor or maker (e.g. at national or municipality level)
  • Consultancy
  • Behavioral expert in environmental and energy organizations

    (such as grid operators, energy providers and water companies)

  • Environmental communication and education

    (for example at MilieuCentraal)

  • Researcher at an institute of applied sciences

    (such as the Netherlands institute for Social Research (SCP))

  • PhD in Environmental and/or Psychological research



The Environmental Psychology group at the University of Groningen is a world leader in the field. Prof. dr. Linda Steg is among the world's most highly cited social scientists. In 2020, she was awarded the NWO Stevin price, the highest honour in Dutch science, for the work of the environmental psychology group.

You will have the opportunity to join our research projects, collaborating with other disciplines, practitioners, and experts from all over the world.

Examples of research topics:

  • Cross-cultural research on values, environmental beliefs, and actions;
  • Factors influencing pro-environmental actions, such as energy savings and recycling behaviour, at home or at work;
  • Public acceptability of policies and technologies aimed at a sustainable energy transition;
  • Individual and social factors influencing climate change adaptation behaviours;
  • Adoption of sustainable innovations such as electric vehicles;
  • Factors influencing sustainable transport behaviours;
  • Factors influencing the effectiveness of community energy initiatives;
  • Effective governance and public engagement in decisions on sustainable development.

    Selection of Academic Staff:

Dr. Lise Jans (Coordinator Master Environmental Psychology)
Expertise: The role of group processes in environmental issues, attitudes, and behaviours
Course: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Sustainability

Prof. dr. Linda Steg (KNAW member)
Expertise: understanding environmental behaviour including energy use and car use; acceptability and effectiveness of environmental policy; values; intrinsic motivation
Course: Environmental Psychology

Prof. dr. Goda Perlaviciute (Coordinator of the DDM program Sustainability and Environmental Psychology)
Expertise: public evaluations and acceptability of energy sources, systems and policies
Course: Advanced topics in Environmental Psychology

Dr. Thijs Bouman (Master thesis and internship coordinator)
Expertise: Personal and group values; human-technology interactions

Dr. Gabriel Muinos
Expertise: Teaching innovation, methodology, and statistics
Course: Designing interventions

Selection of recent publications:

Judge, M. , Bouman, T. , Steg, L. , & Bolderdijk, J. W. (2024). Accelerating social tipping points in sustainable behaviors: Insights from a dynamic model of moralized social change . One Earth , 7 (5), 759-770.

Koch, J., Vringer, K., van der Werff, E., Wilting, H., & Steg, L. (2024). Circular consumption to reduce environmental pressure: Potential of behavioural change in the Netherlands. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 44, 101-113.

Lozano Nasi, V., Jans, L., & Steg, L. (2024). Do I Perceive That We as a Community Can Persist, Adapt Flexibly, and Positively Transform? The Relationship Between Collective Transilience and Community-Based Adaptation. Global Environmental Psychology, 2.

van Valkengoed, A. M., Perlaviciute, G., & Steg, L. (2024). From believing in climate change to adapting to climate change: The role of risk perception and efficacy beliefs. Risk Analysis, 44(3), 553-565.


Environmental psychology: An introduction, 2nd Edition
Steg, L. (ed.) & de Groot, J. I. M. (ed.), 2019, 2nd ed. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley. 448 p. (BPS Textbooks in Psychology)

Apply nowBrochureEventsContact


  • Coordinators Environmental Psychology (Assistant professor Lise Jans)
    Email: environmentalpsychology
    Telephone: +31 (0)50 363 7618
  • Admissions Board Admissions Board Master Psychology (about admission & application, for students with a Dutch diploma)
    Email: toelatingscommissie.masterpsy
  • Service Desk Onderwijsbalie (gmw) (appointment academic advisor & more, see website (onderwijsbalie))
    Telephone: +31 (5)0 363 6301
  • Study Advisors Psychology (about the programme, enrollment, studying)
    Email: studyadvice.psy
  • Admission Office (Contact form) (for students with a non-Dutch diploma. Please put in cc )
    Telephone: +31-(0)50 363 8976

For the master's track Environmental Psychology

Orange Knowledge Programme grant for students from certain countries

Study associations


VIP is the study association for the Psychology students at the University of Groningen.
VIP organizes study-related and social activities. As a VIP-member, you receive a discount on study books as well as a discount on VIP activities. On this website, you can find more information about VIP, our events, committees, and the book sale.
Student profile

We are searching for students:

  • with a Bachelor degree in Psychology (or sufficient related expertise)
  • interested in the interaction between humans and their environment,
  • interested in the application of psychology to address environmental and energy-related problems
  • interested in combining theory and practice
  • planning a future career in- or outside of academia
Study support

In the Psychology programme, there is a strong focus on study advice. Study advisors are available for both the Dutch-taught and English-taught programmes. You can contact them as a prospective student, current student, or former student of programmes within the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences.

Study advisors can assist you with questions regarding:
• the content of the programme
• planning and organising your studies
• choices during your study
• registrations
• programme regulations
• taking courses outside your programme
• studying abroad

They are also available for personal support.
Don't hesitate to get in touch or make an appointment with one of the study advisors.

For brief questions, please email: studyadvice.psy
You can make an appointment via the online scheduling system: ,
or by phone through the education desk: +31 50 3636301