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Education Master's and PhD degree programmes Economic Geography: Sustainable Rural Futures
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Economic Geography: Sustainable Rural Futures

Do you want to know how agricultural transitions, socio-cultural discontent, and climate change impact European rural areas? Come satisfy your curiosity in the master Sustainable Rural Futures!

This master explores the rural-specific socio-spatial impacts of global transformations and how rural regions and communities deal with such transformations in socially and environmentally sustainable and place-specific ways.

You will learn:

  • How global and societal megatrends affect local and regional spatial organisations in rural areas, and how rural communities can adapt to that
  • How historical nature and landscape values and regional identities can be preserved and enhanced during the transformation processes
  • How to manage the social impacts of these transformations in a sustainable way
  • How to deal with transitional processes in different professional practices related to rural development

If you want to contribute to sustainable and liveable rural areas, this master is just what you are looking for!

MSc in Economic Geography

Sustainable Rural Futures is a track within the master in Economic Geography. This master provides you with a deep understanding on the unequal spatial and social effects of global megatrends, such as technological, demographic and climate changes. You will dive into topics like economic geographical processes, wellbeing, quality of life, labour market developments and mobility, and how these take shape in different regions along the European urban-rural continuum.

Facts & Figures
MSc in Economic Geography
Course type
12 months (60 ECTS)
Croho code
Language of instruction
February, September
Spatial Sciences

Why study this programme in Groningen?

Our graduates are specialists in the rural-specific socio-spatial impacts of global transformations and can critically interpret and reflect on these. In effect, theyare competent in helping rural regions and communities deal with such transformations in socially sustainable ways that fit place-specific nature and landscape identities.

If you are looking for a two-year programme and are interested in doing research, you can also integrate this programme with our two-year Research Master in Spatial Sciences.


CoursesCourse Catalog >1a1b2a2b
Economic Geography: Theory and Practice (5 EC)
Rural Communities in Transition (5 EC)
Social Impact Assessment (5 EC)
Global Transformations Local Impacts (5 EC)
Nature, Landscape and Heritage (5 EC)
Master's thesis (20 EC)
Advanced Statistical Analysis OR Advanced Qualitative Research Methods (5 EC)
Regional Labour Market Dynamics (5 EC)
Transport Geography (5 EC)


Study abroad

  • Study abroad is optional

Entry requirements

Admission requirements

Specific requirementsMore information
previous education

Bachelor degree related to the field of regional economic development. This includes Bachelor programmes in Human Geography, Economic Geography, Regional and Urban Planning, Regional Economy, Economy or related. Bachelordiploma's in Sociology, Business Administration, Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Micro-Economics are sometimes admissible.

Graduates of the BSc Global Responsibility and Leadership (University Campus Fryslan) with a major in 'Responsible Governance' are admissible for the master.

If you are not directly admissible you can follow a pre-master programme. See more information in the pre-master guide:

additional subject

10 ECTS in statistics required

language test

A prospective student can always apply for an exemption from the English language test. The student needs to explain, and if required show proof of, why an exemption would be justified. It is up to the Admission Board to decide whether an exemption will be granted or not.

Transfer options

Transferring from...

Study programmeOrganizationTransition
All Universities of applied sciences

Via a pre-master

More information:

For more information about the pre-master please see

Study programmeOrganizationTransition
Liberal Arts and SciencesAll Research universities

Additional requirements

More information:

Contact study.advice.fss for information about your admission

Human Geography and PlanningAll Research universitiesNo additional requirements
Human Geography and Urban and Regional PlanningAll Research universitiesNo additional requirements
Spatial Planning and DesignAll Research universitiesNo additional requirements
International BusinessAll Research universitiesNo additional requirements
Geography, Spatial Planning and EnvironmentAll Research universitiesNo additional requirements
Economics and Business EconomicsAll Research universitiesNo additional requirements

Application deadlines

Type of studentDeadlineStart course
Dutch students15 August 202501 September 2025
15 January 202601 February 2026
15 August 202601 September 2026
EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 November 202501 February 2026
01 May 202601 September 2026
01 November 202601 February 2027
non-EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 November 202501 February 2026
01 May 202601 September 2026
01 November 202601 February 2027

If you are considering applying for a start in February, please know that this has practical implications for your studies.We strongly advise a start in September. Before applying for a February start in our programme and paying the application fee for students with a foreign diploma, we advise you to discuss your application with one of our Study Advisors (study.advice.fss

Admission requirements

Specific requirementsMore information
previous education

Bachelor degree related to the field of regional economic development. This includes Bachelor programmes in Human Geography, Economic Geography, Regional and Urban Planning, Regional Economy, Economy or related. Bachelordiploma's in Sociology, Business Administration, Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Micro-Economics are sometimes admissible.

Graduates of the BSc Global Responsibility and Leadership (University Campus Fryslan) with a major in 'Responsible Governance' are admissible for the master.

If you are not directly admissible you can follow a pre-master programme. See more information in the pre-master guide:

additional subject

10 ECTS in statistics required

language test

A prospective student can always apply for an exemption from the English language test. The student needs to explain, and if required show proof of, why an exemption would be justified. It is up to the Admission Board to decide whether an exemption will be granted or not.

Application deadlines

Type of studentDeadlineStart course
Dutch students15 August 202501 September 2025
15 January 202601 February 2026
15 August 202601 September 2026
EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 November 202501 February 2026
01 May 202601 September 2026
01 November 202601 February 2027
non-EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 November 202501 February 2026
01 May 202601 September 2026
01 November 202601 February 2027

If you are considering applying for a start in February, please know that this has practical implications for your studies.We strongly advise a start in September. Before applying for a February start in our programme and paying the application fee for students with a foreign diploma, we advise you to discuss your application with one of our Study Advisors (study.advice.fss

Tuition fees

NationalityYearFeeProgramme form
EU/EEA2024-2025€ 2530full-time
non-EU/EEA2024-2025€ 20800full-time
EU/EEA2025-2026€ 2601full-time
non-EU/EEA2025-2026€ 21400full-time

Scholarships: Check the Nuffic website for information about scholarships.

Students are expected to follow our Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy. For more detailed information about laptop requirements, please visit this webpage

Practical information for:

After your studies

Graduates of this programme will be able to consider careers in a number of areas dealing with rural development, planning and innovation. This includes sectors such as local, regional or (inter)national governmental and non-governmental organizations, public service organisations, consultancies, local tourism and heritage organisations and local development organisations.


Research in Economic Geography

In the field of Economic Geography the emphasis of the research lays with regional labour market analysis, the demography of firms, Geography of Innovation and Sustainability Transition and well-being.

Regional labour market analysis addresses many themes, such as labour productivity and wage formation, the dynamic of the regional labour market, and migration, gender and the labour market. Demography of firms addresses amongst other subjects, starting businesses (including spin-offs) and the migration of corporations, and the factors involved in the decision of the choice of location. The relation between foundations and corporate migrations, and regional development is also part of the research.

Geography of Innovation and Sustainability Transition explores how institutions, regional policies, place-based capabilities, and firms' routines, along with their intra- and inter-regional relations, impact technological diffusion and sustainable practices. This field identifies how socio-institutional contexts, as well as geographic and relational factors, can promote sustainable development, leading to new opportunities for individuals, businesses, and regions to tackle grand societal challenges like climate change.
Apply nowBrochureEventsContact


  • Saskia Enuma, Reinier Schoep, Nienke Harteveld (Study Advisors Faculty of Spatial Sciences)
    Email: study.advise.fss

Study associations

Ibn Battuta

Ibn Battuta is the Faculty Association of Spatial Sciences
Becoming a member of Ibn Battuta means you can join the social drinks, foreign trips, lectures and all other activities organized by the Association. At these events you come into contact with students from all years, which is a great way to make friends that can last a lifetime! Ibn Battuta also organizes informative and career-focused activities. Our informative activities, such as lectures, In-Housedays and the Career Day will help you to orient on your future.
Study support

For any questions about your study planning, study choice and personal circumstances that influence your study, you can contact the study advisors of the Faculty of Spatial Sciences. For more information, see The groups are small, so you have a lot of contact with other students and lecturers.