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Onderwijs Master en PhD opleidingen Deafblindness (deeltijd)
Header image Deafblindness


Would you like to analyse and improve the possibilities of deafblind people? Then this is the programme you are looking for!

The Master's degree in Deafblindness is a unique programme during which you acquire theoretical and methodological skills. These skills will enable you to analyse the impact of combined visual and hearing impairments (“deafblindness”) on development, daily functioning and quality of life. You will learn to apply this knowledge in the contexts of research, assessment and intervention. The programme is especially interesting for those who are already working as professionals and who would like to expand their basic knowledge and research skills.

The programme starts with the course Introduction to people with deafblindness. In this course, you will learn about fundamental developmental processes, including topics like early symbolic communication embodied cognition, and the acquisition of sign language.

After the introductory course, students receive coaching in methodology. You will also perform a practical training and write a learner's report. In addition, you will carry out research and write a master's thesis.

Interested ? Visit our faculty on 28 March for the master information fair and/or programme session(s) !
You can also follow this programme in full-time.
Feiten & Cijfers
MSc in Pedagogische Wetenschappen
Type opleiding
24 maanden (60 ECTS)
Croho code
Gedrags- en maatschappijwetenschappen

Waarom dit programma in Groningen?

  • Only master's programme in the world focusing on people with deafblindness
  • Aims to provide insight into effective tools that assess and support cognition, social-emotional development, communication and language, and personal development
  • Tools acquired in this programme are also applicable to other people with disabilities
  • Students from certain countries are eligible for the Orange Knowledge Programme grant - see Grants & Scholarships for a link to selection criteria and more


The part-time programme is identical to the full-time programme, but is divided over two years. You will find the exact division of courses on this page once the programme for 2025/2026 is set.

The programme starts in September online and continues in October on campus with a three week intensive of two courses , Introduction to Deafblindness and Theories and Models. You will learn about identification, assessment, intervention as well as fundamental developmental processes, including topics like early symbolic communication embodied cognition, and the acquisition of sign language.

After October , the students continue their study back home and the curriculum takes place online. In the second year, the students receive coaching in methodology, perform a practical training and write a learner's report. In addition, you will carry out research and write a Master's thesis.

Studeren in het buitenland

  • Studeren in het buitenland is niet voorzien
  • Maximaal 30 EC



Specifieke eisenExtra informatie

A bachelor's degree programme in special needs, education or another relevant bachelor's degree programme and sufficient knowledge of methodology. A non relevant bachelor's degree and a completed SPO premaster.

minimum kennis

If you have any deficiencies in connection with statistics and research methodology then we offer the possibility to take pre-master courses. The Admissions Office will inform you if you would qualify for this. For more information have a look at the SPO site about this premaster:

The transcripts show evidence of sufficient courses on: Research methods for the social sciences (preferably quantitative AND qualitative). Academic disciplinary knowledge on education, developmental psychology, educational psychology, sociology of education, and adjacent fields.

Previous experience with academic writing (e.g., Bachelor thesis), is desirable, but not an entry requirement.

overige toelatingseisen
For more information about


Doorstromen vanaf..

Alle WO instellingenVia een pre-master van maximaal 60 EC
Academische opleiding leraar basisonderwijsAlle WO instellingenDrempelloze toelating
Pedagogische WetenschappenRijksuniversiteit GroningenDrempelloze toelating


For the registration procedure please have a look at  this page .
For more information about the tracks, please contact the study advisor: .


Type studentDeadlineStart opleiding
Nederlandse studenten01 juni 202501 september 2025
01 juni 202601 september 2026
EU/EEA studenten01 juni 202501 september 2025
01 juni 202601 september 2026
non-EU/EEA studenten01 mei 202501 september 2025
01 mei 202601 september 2026


Specifieke eisenExtra informatie

Bachelor Pedagogical Sciences, Educational Sciences, Social Sciences or a similar relevant Bachelor's degree (e.g. Youth Studies, Special Needs Education etc.) and sufficient knowledge of methodology.

minimum kennis

The transcripts show evidence of sufficient courses on: Research methods for the social sciences (preferably quantitative AND qualitative). Academic disciplinary knowledge on education, developmental psychology, educational psychology, sociology of education, and adjacent fields.

Previous experience with academic writing (e.g., Bachelor thesis), is desirable, but not an entry requirement.

taaltoets cijfer

The official language of the programme is English. Non-native English speakers must provide evidence of satisfactory results for one of the standard tests mentioned below. Official test results must be supplied. Please note, we do not accept Institutional TOEFL results as evidence of English proficiency.

IELTS: overall 6.5; writing 6.5; speaking 6.5 | TOEFL internet-based: overall 90; speaking 22; writing 24 | CAE / CPE: C, B or A | Dutch pre-University diploma (VWO) including English: 5.5 for English |


To apply for this programme, first go to Studielink. After you have submitted your details in Studielink, you will receive an e-mail with the information necessary to activate your user account for The Progress Portal.
See the application procedure for some guidance in Progress Portal.
Then, please upload the following documents in The Progress Portal:
* a certified copy of the (Bachelor) diploma on the basis of which you ask admission to our programme (both original language and translated in English)
* a certified copy of your transcript of records (both original language and translated in English)
* a copy of your passport or ID card

If you have any doubts about your application, please contact us at:
For more information about the tracks, please contact the study advisor:


Type studentDeadlineStart opleiding
Nederlandse studenten01 juni 202501 september 2025
01 juni 202601 september 2026
EU/EEA studenten01 juni 202501 september 2025
01 juni 202601 september 2026
non-EU/EEA studenten01 mei 202501 september 2025
01 mei 202601 september 2026


EU/EER2024-2025€ 1863deeltijd
EU/EER2025-2026€ 1914deeltijd

Praktische informatie voor:

Na je studie


After graduation, you have the knowledge and skills needed to work in the field of education related to deafblindness. This programme gives you a good basis for consultancy work in education and for further research.

Career services BSS

Where do you want to work after your studies? You can contact Career Services already during your studies. They will help you orientate on your career, develop your skills, apply for jobs and find an internship.

Potentiële beroepen

  • Specialized Professional Roles
    • Work in the field of deafblindness, providing support and expertise.
    • Gain recognition as an orthopedagoog (Dutch students).
  • Clinical and Educational Applications

    Apply expertise in assessment and intervention tools within a clinical and educational setting in inclusive and special needs education or related fields, for example in complex communication needs such as autism, mutism, and Profound Intellectual and Motor Disabilities (PIMD).

  • Private Practice

    Establish and manage an independent practice to serve diverse client needs.

  • Research and Academia

    Conduct scientific research or pursue a PhD to advance knowledge and practice in the field.


Research Centre on Profound and Multiple Disabilities

The Master programme Deafblindness is linked to the Research Centre on Profound and Multiple Disabilities.

The master's programme Deafblindness is linked to the Research Centre on Profound and Multiple Disabilities.

Field of research

  • domains for research are concentrated on the topic of communication with people with deafblindness
  • research is also conducted in the field of people who are deafblind and have additional disabilities, or in the field of people with sensory and multiple disabilities
  • research lines are: meaning-creation, tactile communication, assessment, communication and transition to a cultural language.

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Evidence-based tools: the Map Stick

One practical example of an evidence-based tool introduced during the Master in Deafblindness is a Map Stick. It is designed to provide information before, during, and at the end of a walk. It enables an individual to anticipate and know where they are in their journey, and to share their experience afterwards.

Discover more ideas to enable everyone to get outside .

For the master's track Deafblindness



Als student van de opleidingen Pedagogische Wetenschappen, Onderwijswetenschappen, de AOLB en de schakelopleiding van Pedagogiek (SPO), kun je lid worden van ODIOM, een gezellige en actieve studievereniging.
Als lid profiteer je van korting op alle benodigde studieboeken en ontvang je tweewekelijks de nieuwsbrief. ODIOM telt ruim 800 leden en organiseert jaarlijks een breed scala aan leerzame, sportieve en sociale activiteiten, zoals gastcolleges, excursies naar pedagogische en onderwijskundige instellingen, het introductiekamp voor eerstejaars, buitenlandse reizen, borrels en feesten.

In the programmes of Pedagogical and Educational Sciences, there is a strong focus on study advice. There are several study advisors are available. You can contact them as a prospective student, current student, or former student of programmes within the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences.

Study advisors can assist you with questions regarding:
• the content of the programme
• planning and organising your studies
• choices during your study
• registrations
• programme regulations
• taking courses outside your programme
• studying abroad

They are also available for personal support.
Don't hesitate to get in touch or make an appointment with one of the study advisors.

For brief questions, please email:
You can make an appointment via the online scheduling system: ,
or by phone through the Student Service Desk: +31 50 3636301