How to address this century's key challenges, such as climate change, migration, and polarization, in a way that is sustainable, resilient and with a long-term perspective?
The double-degree master’s program “Sustainability and Environmental psychology” of the Leuphana University in Lüneburg and the University of Groningen tackles this challenge by addressing the human dimensions of the most pressing sustainability issues and by building human capital for truly sustainable solutions.
For more information, see the programme website of the Leuphana University.
Students of this DDM study their first year in the Leuphana University and their second year in the University of Groningen. In the first year in Leuphana, students focus on the human aspects of sustainable developments more broadly.
By introducing core theories and models, the programme links topics from the field of psychology to the field of sustainability science. Inter- and transdisciplinary work with a focus on theoretical propositions, methodological tools, and practical implications will characterise the programme in the second semester. Thereby, the second semester aims at broadening your psychological perspective on the inter- and transdisciplinary characteristics of sustainability science.
CoursesCourse Catalog > |
In the second year in Groningen, students delve into the human aspects of environmental sustainability in particular.
There are three foundation courses (of which you follow at least two). The course Environmental Psychology introduces you to the main theories. In the course Selected Topics in Environmental Psychology, you will become an expert on a self-chosen topic within the field. Finally, Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Sustainability teaches you to integrate your obtained knowledge with perspectives from other disciplines to better understand and address the complexity of environmental and energy-related problems. Additionally, the skills course Designing interventions, will learn you how to design and evaluate interventions to improve environmental quality. You will also choose a methodological course in which you learn advanced research methods in Environmental Psychology, and follow elective courses (max. two) to tailor the program to your interests and ambitions. Throughout the year, you will be working on your own research project for your individual master thesis (20 EC), for which you will be supervised jointly by researchers at both the University of Groningen and the Leuphana University. You will also do an internship (10 EC) to prepare yourself for your future career. You will have the opportunity to be involved in collaborations with other universities, governmental agencies, companies, and NGOs.
CoursesCourse Catalog > |
Programme options |
Leuphana University - 1st year: Psychology & Sustainability (profile) Leuphana University originated in 2006 from the unique opportunity to rethink the concept of a university. It is a foundation under public law and regarded to be a place fostering the desire to know, ingenuity, individual growth, and public engagement. With over 9,500 students, Leuphana is a medium-sized German university with about 180 professors and about 400 research assistants. The three guiding principles of Humanism, Sustainability and Application-Orientation shape its academic mission. |
University of Groningen - 2nd year: Environmental Psychology (profile) How can psychology help us understand and adress environmental and energy-related challenges? How can we motivate and empower people to act pro-environmentally and adapt to a changing environment? Questions like these are addressed in the Master programme Environmental psychology. The programme focuses on the interactions between humans and their environment. You will acquire theoretical knowledge and methodological skills to understand and address the human dimension of environmental and energy-related problems. The program is taught by the world-leading Environmental Psychology group at the University of Groningen.The expertise gained in this master is essential in attempts to limit global climate change and its negative impacts, and adapt successfully to the consequences of climate change. Governments and companies seek advice from environmental psychologists to understand the human dimension of sustainable development, and leading journals, such as Nature, stress the importance of the social sciences for solving environmental and energy-related problems. This master will equip you for job opportunities that focus on finding effective and acceptable societal solutions to these problems.In cooperation with Leuphana University, we also offer the Double Degree Master Sustainability and Environmental Psychology. |
Type of student | Deadline | Start course |
Dutch students | 01 October 2025 | 01 February 2026 |
01 March 2026 | 01 September 2026 | |
01 October 2026 | 01 February 2027 |
Type of student | Deadline | Start course |
Dutch students | 01 October 2025 | 01 February 2026 |
01 March 2026 | 01 September 2026 | |
01 October 2026 | 01 February 2027 |
For starting times and costs of the first year see the Leuphana University website, for the second year of the double degree have a look at the page of our master track Environmental Psychology. Please note: you apply via Leuphana University.
Career services
Where do you want to work after your studies? You can
Career Services
already during your studies.
They will help you orientate on your career, develop your skills,
apply for jobs and find an internship.
for environmental or sustainability policies
in research and education in sustainability sciences and/or psychology
(such as grid operators, energy providers and water companies)
(e.g. at national or municipality level)
(for example at MilieuCentraal)
Sustainability Psychology at the University of Leuphana is taught by members from various departments of the institute of psychology. The Institute's members are enthusiastic about research that answers fundamental psychological questions and at the same time focuses on their usefulness for sustainable social transformation processes. The Institute's psychological research focuses on changes in individuals at the micro level (e.g. negotiations in business relationships, fairness in performance evaluations) and at the macro level on changes in sub-areas of society (e.g. stakeholders in collective bargaining conflicts, occupational health managers). Read more about the staff, their specific research topics and publications.
The Environmental Psychology group at the University of Groningen is a world leader in the field. The chair of the group, prof. dr. Linda Steg is among the world's most highly cited social scientists. In 2020, she was awarded the NWO Stevin price, the highest honour in Dutch science, for the work of the environmental psychology group. Read more about the staff, their specific research topics and publications of the Environmental Psychology group on the page of their master's track Environmental Psychology. Also have a look at their contributions to MindWise, the blog of UG Psychology staff and students.