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Onderwijs Master en PhD opleidingen Controlling profile
Header image Controlling profile

Controlling profile

Choose the controlling profile in Groningen to learn how to analyze financial data, provide insights to support strategic decision-making, and ensure the organization's financial health.

How can controllers help to ensure that the organization achieves its strategic objectives? How can you optimize the financial resources within the organization, balancing the need for efficiency and profitability? What measures can you implement to identify, assess, and mitigate financial risks, ensuring the organization's success in an ever-changing economic landscape?

In the Controlling profile of the MSc Accountancy and Controlling you will learn about the multifaceted role controllers play in addressing financial and non-financial information and economic and sustainability challenges. The programme in Groningen emphasizes the information needs of managers and other internal stakeholders and highlights the controller’s role as the “financial conscience” of the organization. You will gain knowledge of change processes implicated in new accounting techniques and systems and focus on the financial, technical, and sustainability aspects of management accounting.

Financial transparency, the rising importance of data analytics and business expansion have led to a growing demand for controllers. Our graduates gain the necessary knowledge and skills to steer organizations towards responsible and successful financial practices. Depending on your career goals, you could start working in companies such as Skania, Wehkamp, KPMG, and the Dutch Ministry of Finance.

Did you know you can continue with a second degree in Groningen, the Executive Master in Finance and Control and become a certified controller (RC)?

Feiten & Cijfers
MSc in Accountancy and Controlling
Type opleiding
12 maanden (60 ECTS)
Croho code
Economie en bedrijfskunde

Waarom dit programma in Groningen?

  • The demand for controllers remains consistently high, and our graduates are being offered jobs before or right after graduation. A few competences and skills that set our graduates apart are: critical thinking, problem-solving, creative thinking, initiative and self-direction.
  • Technological innovations, the role of artificial intelligence, and cutting-edge technologies like blockchain and cloud computing are only a few of the topics you will delve into in the courses IT in Control and Data-driven Control. Here, you get to examine how these innovations and threats can impact organizations' risk profiles and internal management.
  • The Master's programme in Groningen is taught in part by practitioners with practical work experience, it is fast-paced and you will be studying among students who have a background in accounting.
  • The programme has a very active community, FSG, which is run by students for students. With over 1800 members, there is an activity for everyone from socials to get to know your classmates to career activities where you can meet your future employer.
  • Continue with a second Master's degree in Groningen and become a registered controller. â–º
  • The programme has been internationally accredited by the AACSB and EQUIS, ensuring a high-quality education, which only 1% of universities reach worldwide.


Your programme starts with a course about management accounting change processes. This course teaches how you can manage the implementation processes of new accounting techniques and systems. This course is accompanied by a course that trains you to design and use a variety of management accounting techniques. In doing so, you will be able to identify the purpose of accounting systems in different situations and understand how they influence the organization's planning, control and decision-making. Also, you will take a course in strategy in order to understand how you can control the strategic direction of your organization.

Further on in your programme, you will take courses that focus on the impact of big data and technological innovations on the internal control of the organization. Additionally, these courses address several other technological innovations (such as blockchain and cloud computing) and threats (such as ransomware and identity fraud) are discussed in the courses. Simultaneously, you will take a course that prepares you to make a successful start on your graduate thesis. Many different topics are possible; past topics include: how does the use of technologically advanced tools affect the role of the controller? And: How can you measure the environmental burden of the chemical industries?

As you work on your thesis, you can take two additional courses to complete your programme: in the course Research in Management Control, you will get acquainted with the newest insights in your specialization. The course Value-based Management trains you to assess the long-term value potential of new business proposals and most importantly, how to avoid the trap of short-term gains.

VakkenVakkencatalogus >1a1b2a2b
Management Accounting Change (5 EC)
Management Accounting Techniques (5 EC)
Strategic & Organizational Design (5 EC)
Data-driven Control (5 EC)
IT in Control (5 EC)
Research in Accounting and Control (5 EC)
Research in Management Control (5 EC)
Master's Thesis Controlling (20 EC)
Value-based Management (5 EC)
Healthy Society Focus Area (specialisatie)

Focus on tackling problems that impact healthcare providers and their societal partners in their day-to-day work. Issues such as scarce human resources combined with a higher, more complex demand for care, and more demanding citizens require solutions, which you will think about and design.

Meer informatie over deze optie

Leadership and Governance (specialisatie)

The Leadership and Governance focus area provides you with a deep understanding of both macro-level governance frameworks and micro-level leadership processes. This dual approach enables you to understand the broader implications of governance and leadership, while also recognizing the conditions that shape behavior, decision-making and organizational dynamics.

Meer informatie over deze optie

Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence Focus Area (specialisatie)

Focus on the digital transformation within our society and understand how to successfully implement digital transformation in business. A successful digital transition allows businesses to conquer markets, witness industries converging, and step into the realm of winner-takes-all dynamics, like dominating tech-giants like Google and Facebook.

Meer informatie over deze optie

Energy Transition and Climate Change Focus Area (specialisatie)

Focus on the serious changes within the energy sector by dealing with issues such as how firms adapt to renewable energy, how the higher taxes are managed during this transition and how to deal with the weather dependent production of energy systems. Gain the knowledge and skills to shape a sustainable future in this evolving energy sector.

Meer informatie over deze optie

Double Degree Master International Business and Finance (Shanghai) (specialisatie)

Are you interested in an international career in or involving China?

Study in Shanghai after your FEB Master's programme in Groningen and gain first-hand knowledge and experience of China and the economy, finance and culture.

Meer informatie over deze optie

Master Internship (specialisatie)

Opportunity to gain work experience by doing an internship in the second semester of your study.

You will be rewarded 15 ECTS on top of your programme. Your thesis will be postponed to the third semester.

Meer informatie over deze optie

Studeren in het buitenland

  • Studeren in het buitenland is niet voorzien

A study exchange semester is not included in the one-year programme. If you wish to spend a semester abroad, you must extend the study period by one additional semester. Please discuss this with the programme coordinator as study exchanges are not arranged by the MSc A&C programme. You would need to arrange the exchange independently. If you choose to apply for the Double degree master Chinese Economy and Finance and are selected, then you can spend one year abroad in Shanghai.



Specifieke eisenExtra informatie

Below you will see a table with 'transfer options'. Please check the entry requirements for your Bachelor's degree (from a research university of a university of applied sciences). If your degree is not mentioned in the table below, you can still apply via a Pre-Master's programme. For information on application and entry requirements, please check

The information about entry requirements is an indication of your admissibility. Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions Board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.


Doorstromen vanaf..

Alle HBO instellingen

Via een pre-master van maximaal 60 EC

Extra informatie:

Non-standard Pre-Master For students who acquired a HBO diploma in Business Economics, a HBO Finance & Control or a diploma HBO AC without the Overall Test (OAT). Standard Pre-Master For all other HBO diplomas, a standard Pre-Master is offered. For more information:

AccountancyAlle HBO instellingen

Via een pre-master van maximaal 30 EC

Extra informatie:

For HBO Accountancy graduates (30 ECTS) The accelerated programme is available for students who acquired a HBO diploma in Accountancy. A necessary requirement to be admitted to the programme is that you have passed the Overall Exam. For more information:

Bedrijfskunde - Accountancy and ControllingRijksuniversiteit Groningen

Drempelloze toelating

Extra informatie:

For students who follow the profile Accountancy and Controlling, there are no additional requirements.

Economie en BedrijfseconomieRijksuniversiteit Groningen

Toelating onder voorwaarden

Extra informatie:

You are advised to complete the minor in Management Control, with a minimum of 3 courses (Management Control for A&C, Financial Statement Analysis for A&C, and Internal Control. No minor? Contact study advisors:

Bedrijfskunde - Business and ManagementRijksuniversiteit Groningen

Toelating onder voorwaarden

Extra informatie:

Profile BM and TM: you are advised to complete the minor in Management Control with a minimum of 3 courses: Management Control for A&C, Financial Statement Analysis for A&C, Internal Control. No minor? Contact study advisors:

Econometrie en Operationele ResearchRijksuniversiteit Groningen

Via een pre-master

Extra informatie:

You need to first complete a Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Bedrijfskunde - Technology ManagementRijksuniversiteit Groningen

Toelating onder voorwaarden

Extra informatie:

Profile BM and TM: you are advised to complete the minor in Management Control with a minimum of 3 courses: Management Control for A&C, Financial Statement Analysis for A&C, Internal Control. No minor? Contact study advisors:

International BusinessRijksuniversiteit Groningen

Toelating onder voorwaarden

Extra informatie:

In addition to your BSc programme, you will need to complete a set of 3 (extra) courses. For information, please contact the study advisors:

Actuariële WetenschappenUniversiteit van Amsterdam

Via een pre-master van maximaal 60 EC

Extra informatie:

You need to first complete the 60 EC Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Business AnalyticsUniversiteit van Amsterdam

Via een pre-master van maximaal 60 EC

Extra informatie:

You need to first complete the 60 EC Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Econometrics and Data ScienceUniversiteit van Amsterdam

Via een pre-master van maximaal 60 EC

Extra informatie:

You need to first complete the 60 EC Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Economics and Business EconomicsUniversiteit van Amsterdam

Via een pre-master van maximaal 30 EC

Extra informatie:

You might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

Fiscale EconomieUniversiteit van Amsterdam

Via een pre-master van maximaal 60 EC

Extra informatie:

You need to first complete the 60 EC Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Business AdministrationUniversiteit van Amsterdam

Via een pre-master van maximaal 30 EC

Extra informatie:

You might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

Business AnalyticsMaastricht University

Via een pre-master van maximaal 60 EC

Extra informatie:

You need to first complete the 60 EC Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Global StudiesMaastricht University

Via een pre-master van maximaal 60 EC

Extra informatie:

You need to first complete the 60 EC Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Business EngineeringMaastricht University

Via een pre-master van maximaal 60 EC

Extra informatie:

You need to first complete the 60 EC Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Econometrie en Operationele ResearchMaastricht University

Via een pre-master van maximaal 60 EC

Extra informatie:

You need to first complete the 60 EC Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Fiscale EconomieMaastricht University

Via een pre-master van maximaal 60 EC

Extra informatie:

You need to first complete the 60 EC Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

International BusinessMaastricht University

Via een pre-master van maximaal 30 EC

Extra informatie:

You might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

Economie en BedrijfseconomieMaastricht University

Via een pre-master van maximaal 30 EC

Extra informatie:

You might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

Fiscale EconomieErasmus Universiteit Rotterdam

Via een pre-master van maximaal 60 EC

Extra informatie:

You need to first complete the 60 EC Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Econometrie en Operationele ResearchErasmus Universiteit Rotterdam

Via een pre-master van maximaal 60 EC

Extra informatie:

You need to first complete the 60 EC Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

BedrijfskundeErasmus Universiteit Rotterdam

Via een pre-master van maximaal 30 EC

Extra informatie:

You might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

Economie en BedrijfseconomieErasmus Universiteit Rotterdam

Via een pre-master van maximaal 30 EC

Extra informatie:

You might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

International Business AdministrationErasmus Universiteit Rotterdam

Via een pre-master van maximaal 30 EC

Extra informatie:

You might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

Economie en BeleidWageningen University

Via een pre-master van maximaal 60 EC

Extra informatie:

You need to first complete the 60 EC Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Bedrijfs- en ConsumentenwetenschappenWageningen University

Via een pre-master van maximaal 60 EC

Extra informatie:

You need to first complete the 60 EC Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

AccountancyNyenrode Business Universiteit

Via een pre-master van maximaal 30 EC

Extra informatie:

You might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

Business AdministrationNyenrode Business Universiteit

Via een pre-master van maximaal 30 EC

Extra informatie:

You might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

International Business AdministrationUniversiteit Twente

Via een pre-master van maximaal 30 EC

Extra informatie:

You might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

International Business AdministrationTilburg University

Via een pre-master van maximaal 30 EC

Extra informatie:

You might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

EconomieTilburg University

Via een pre-master van maximaal 30 EC

Extra informatie:

You might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

Econometrie en Operationele ResearchTilburg University

Via een pre-master van maximaal 60 EC

Extra informatie:

You need to first complete the 60 EC Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Entrepreneurship and Business InnovationTilburg University

Via een pre-master van maximaal 60 EC

Extra informatie:

You need to first complete the 60 EC Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Fiscale EconomieTilburg University

Via een pre-master van maximaal 60 EC

Extra informatie:

You need to first complete the 60 EC Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Economie en BedrijfseconomieUniversiteit Utrecht

Via een pre-master van maximaal 30 EC

Extra informatie:

You might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

Economie en BedrijfseconomieVrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Via een pre-master van maximaal 30 EC

Extra informatie:

You might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

Business AnalyticsVrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Via een pre-master van maximaal 60 EC

Extra informatie:

You need to first complete the 60 EC Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Econometrie en Operationele ResearchVrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Via een pre-master van maximaal 60 EC

Extra informatie:

You need to first complete the 60 EC Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

BedrijfskundeVrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Via een pre-master van maximaal 30 EC

Extra informatie:

You might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

International Business AdministrationVrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Via een pre-master van maximaal 30 EC

Extra informatie:

You might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

Economie en BedrijfseconomieRadboud Universiteit Nijmegen

Via een pre-master van maximaal 30 EC

Extra informatie:

You might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

BedrijfskundeRadboud Universiteit Nijmegen

Via een pre-master van maximaal 30 EC

Extra informatie:

You might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

BestuurskundeUniversiteit Leiden

Via een pre-master van maximaal 60 EC

Extra informatie:

For students following the profile Economics, Public Administration and management: you need to first complete the 60 EC Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

InformaticaUniversiteit Leiden

Via een pre-master van maximaal 60 EC

Extra informatie:

For students following the profile Computer Science & Economics: you need to first complete the 60 EC Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check


Students with a Dutch diploma can apply directly to Studielink. More information on the  steps to apply .


Type studentDeadlineStart opleiding
Nederlandse studenten01 mei 202501 september 2025
01 mei 202601 september 2026
EU/EEA studenten01 mei 202501 september 2025
15 oktober 202501 februari 2026
01 mei 202601 september 2026
15 oktober 202601 februari 2027
non-EU/EEA studenten01 mei 202501 september 2025
15 oktober 202501 februari 2026
01 mei 202601 september 2026
15 oktober 202601 februari 2027


Specifieke eisenExtra informatie

To be eligible for admission to this Master's, you need to hold an academic Bachelor's or Master's degree from a research university in the field of Business Economics or Business Administration with a specialization in Accountancy and Controlling; the content of the programme has to meet specific requirements; for instance, it needs to include courses in Accounting Internal Control.

To assess whether your educational/academic background meets the specific programme requirements, we will consider the level and curriculum of your previous studies. For more information, please visit:

If you have any questions concerning admission to this programme, please contact our Admissions Office:

taaltoets cijfer

IELTS Academic overall score 6.5 (Speaking 6, Writing 6.5); TOEFL internet-based overall score 90 (Speaking 20, Writing 24); Cambridge C1 Advanced or C2 Proficiency (overall score 176, Speaking 169, Writing 176).

overige toelatingseisen

Not meeting the pre-education requirements for direct entry? Please read more about our  pre-Master programmes .


Students have to apply via Studielink and the Progress Portal (replacing the previous system, Online Application System OAS) of the University of Groningen. After you apply for the programme of your choice, the Admissions Office will evaluate your educational background and assess your eligibility. Your application will be assessed on an individual basis. More information on how to apply.


Type studentDeadlineStart opleiding
Nederlandse studenten01 mei 202501 september 2025
01 mei 202601 september 2026
EU/EEA studenten01 mei 202501 september 2025
15 oktober 202501 februari 2026
01 mei 202601 september 2026
15 oktober 202601 februari 2027
non-EU/EEA studenten01 mei 202501 september 2025
15 oktober 202501 februari 2026
01 mei 202601 september 2026
15 oktober 202601 februari 2027


EU/EER2024-2025€ 2530voltijd
niet EU/EER2024-2025€ 20800voltijd
EU/EER2025-2026€ 2601voltijd
niet EU/EER2025-2026€ 21400voltijd

Praktische informatie voor:

Na je studie

Controllers play a crucial role in optimizing resources, managing risks, and implementing financial strategies, contributing to the overall efficiency and success of businesses.

Our graduates are employed by profit and non-profit organizations, where they prepare budgets and reports, make cost calculations, assess investment proposals and design performance measurement systems. Strategic decision-making, IT solutions, and risk management are also examples of subjects a controller deals with. Finally, as the financial “conscience” of the organization, controllers make solicited and unsolicited recommendations to line managers to ensure that the organization is, and remains, in control.

As a controller, you may want to pursue a Chartered Management Accountant qualification (optional). You can follow the Executive Master of Finance and Control (EMFC). This part-time programme lasts two years, and – after completion – allows you to use the title Executive Master in Finance & Control and the Dutch equivalent 'registercontroller'.

Potentiële beroepen

  • Business controller
  • Financial controller
  • Group financial controller
  • Project controller


Linking education to research and career preparation

Your courses are taught by a mix of practitioners, bringing a wealth of practical experience, and academics. The latter are engaged in cutting-edge research in your field and bring the newest insights..

Your courses are taught by a mix of practitioners, bringing a wealth of practical experience, and academics. The latter are engaged in cutting-edge research in your field and bring the newest insights. For example, their projects include: how can healthcare institutions control resource scarcity? What is the impact of AI on the work of controllers? And, does it pay for controllers to use internal company documents to manage the impressions of managers? The scope of research is wide, so there are bound to be domains that will particularly interest you.