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Education Master's and PhD degree programmes Classics & Ancient Civilizations
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Classics & Ancient Civilizations

What kinds of social media did the ancient Greeks and Romans use? What kinds of ideas circulated and how can we trace these through ancient literature?

Find answers to this and more in one of the tracks of this programme. The Master's Classics and Ancient Civilizations consists of two tracks:

In the Classics degree programme, you will learn to apply academic tools and theories in studying various themes from Antiquity, and to critically assess written and material sources. You can opt for a language-oriented curriculum, or combine literary and historical subjects. In the Ancient History specialization we take a historical approach to the period from Hellenism to Late Antiquity. In addition to literary sources, you will use inscriptions, papyri and archaeological sources to cast a different light on the ancient world. Both tracks are concluded with a thesis, following which you will be awarded a Master of Arts degree in Classics and Ancient Civilizations. This Master's degree programme is also available as a part-time variant.

Students wishing to pursue an academic career may also be interested in the two-year Research Master's CMEMS, with the option to specialize in Classics and/or Ancient History.

Sign up now for the Master's week from 24-28 March!
Facts & Figures
MA in Classics & Ancient Civilizations
Course type
12 months (60 ECTS)
Croho code
Language of instruction

Why study this programme in Groningen?

  • Broad approach to Antiquity
  • Integration of classical languages and ancient cultural history
  • Strong expertise in a wide range of subjects; see under "Research" in both tracks
  • Relatively small and friendly community
  • Internationally orientated research climate
  • Excellent teaching: two staff members elected Lecturer of the Year
  • A vibrant university city with many international students


Programme options
Classical Studies (track)


The MA-track Classics offers education in a wide range of skills to the aspiring classicist: from in-depth analysis of all aspects of a Greek or Latin text to interdisciplinary and thematic studies of important facets of Classical Antiquity.

More information about this option

Ancient History (track)

How did colonisation shape ancient states? What was the role of gods and their temples in identity formation? How unequal were ancient societies? What was the social significance of sport in the ancient world?.These are the types of questions that lie at the core of the Ancient History track of the MA Classics and Ancient Civilizations. The emphasis of the programme is on political, economic, and religious connectivities within the Mediterranean world, from the Classical Greek world to the fall of the western Roman Empire (roughly 500 BCE to 500 CE).This one-year programme offers you the opportunity to study the ancient world at an advanced level, working with a wide variety of historical evidence (e.g. literary texts, inscriptions, archaeological remains, papyri). During your studies you will also become acquainted with several different theoretical approaches and methodologies (e.g. deep mapping, network analysis).This Master's track is taught in English and can be studied full-time as well as part-time. For more information about the Ancient History department in Groningen, see our website. If you aspire a career in research, you may be interested in the two-year Research Master's.Sign up now for the Master's week from 24-28 March!

More information about this option

Entry requirements

Admission requirements

Specific requirementsMore information
previous education

For the MA degree programme Classics, see:!requirements for more information.

For the MA degree programme Ancient History, see:!requirements for more information.

language test

Additional requirements English: A VWO diploma or a subject certificate for VWO English (mark 6 or higher), minimum requirement of TOEFL iBT 90 (with a minimum of 21 on all items), or IELTS 6.5 (with a minimum of 6 on all items). Cambridge C1 Advanced or C2 Proficiency.

Application deadlines

Type of studentDeadlineStart course
Dutch students15 August 202501 September 2025
15 August 202601 September 2026
EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 May 202601 September 2026
non-EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 May 202601 September 2026

Admission requirements

Specific requirementsMore information
previous education

For the MA degree programme Classics, see:!requirements for more information.

For the MA degree programme Ancient History, see:!requirements for more information.

language test

Additional requirements English: A VWO diploma or a subject certificate for VWO English (mark 6 or higher), minimum requirement of TOEFL iBT 90 (with a minimum of 21 on all items), or IELTS 6.5 (with a minimum of 6 on all items). Cambridge C1 Advanced or C2 Proficiency.

Application deadlines

Type of studentDeadlineStart course
Dutch students15 August 202501 September 2025
15 August 202601 September 2026
EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 May 202601 September 2026
non-EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 May 202601 September 2026

Tuition fees

NationalityYearFeeProgramme form
EU/EEA2024-2025€ 2530full-time
non-EU/EEA2024-2025€ 18700full-time
EU/EEA2025-2026€ 2601full-time
non-EU/EEA2025-2026€ 19200full-time

Practical information for:

After your studies

Job prospects

As a graduate in Classics, you will possess a broad knowledge of Antiquity, a good level of language proficiency, and critical thinking skills. You will be eligible for positions in academic libraries and museums, in journalism, and in the corporate sector. Classics graduates also find work with publishers and cultural and governmental institutions. Or you could find work as a teacher, translator or researcher. See at the respective tracks for more information.


Research and teaching are closely integrated in this programme. As you study for the MA you will be in close contact with current staff research. For details of that research see our research website.

Apply nowBrochureEventsContact


  • Ask Your Question Here (please fill in this contact form, we will answer you as soon as possible.)
  • Drs. Bob van der Borg (study advisor)
    Email: studieadviesgeschiedenis
  • Pascalle van Setten (Studentambassadeur Griekse en Latijnse taal en cultuur)
  • Gerjan Borneman (Student Ambassador Ancient History)
    Telephone: https://www rug nl/let/s
  • Admission Office (Contact form)
    Telephone: +31-(0)50 363 8976

Research Master

Are you interested in a research-oriented career? Have a look at our Research Master’s degree programme in Classical, Medieval and Early Modern Studies .

Study associations


Boréas is the study association of the bachelor Greek and Latin Language and Culture and the associated master programs in Groningen.
Boréas organizes several annual events for its members including an introduction camp and a Christmas dinner. Besides leisure activities, Boréas also organizes study related activities such as lectures and excursions.
Study support

Elke masteropleiding heeft een studieadviseur waar je terecht kunt als je vragen hebt of advies wilt over je studie en andere zaken rondom het studeren. Alles wat je bespreekt wordt vertrouwelijk behandeld. Bij complexere zaken, bijvoorbeeld studievertraging, functiebeperking of langdurig ziek zijn, kun je terecht bij een studentendecaan.

Ook worden er cursussen aangeboden die je kunnen helpen om beter te kunnen studeren zoals studiestress en faalangsttrainingen, effectief studeren, presenteren of academische schrijfvaardigheid. Deze kun je volgen bij de afdeling Studieondersteuning van het Studenten Service Centrum (SSC). Met deze faciliteiten zorgen we er samen met jou voor dat je je gehele studie met veel plezier en goede resultaten kunt volbrengen.