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Sustainable Developments Goals in Pure

To make the UG impact visible, SDG labels have been added to the personal profile pages and overview pages of research units on the UG Research Portal as of June 2024.

These labels are based on publications currently listed in Pure, with the focus for now on English-language works or publications in Pure with an English-language abstract. Retrospectively, publications in Pure since 2015 have been labelled where applicable; this. From now on, this process will be automated.

A researcher or research unit can show to which SDGs their research can be linked to. Researchers keep control over the SDG labels displayed, and can add or remove labels themselves if desired.

The SDG label matches the topic of a research publication; it is not a quality mark or an indicator for the impact of an article.

Please see the SDG FAQ for more practical information on how to edit or remove labels.

Last modified:04 June 2024 09.54 a.m.
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