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University of Groningen Library
University of Groningen Library Support Pure support Using Pure Showcase your research

Report from Pure (R&O)

It is possible to obtain a report of your research content from Pure, for example for your yearly R&O interview.

Request a customized report

We can create a report for you on, for example, all your research output, activities and prizes over multiple years. Please contact pure with your request, outlining what you need. See: example customized report.

Create a simple report

You can also make a simple report yourself by following these five steps:

  1. Log on to Pure
  2. Depending on the research content you wish to report on, click either Research output, Activities, Prizes, Press/Media or Datasets in the menu bar on the left
  3. Select the format of your report at the bottom of the screen: PDF, HTML, RIS(RefMan), Word or BibTeX
  4. Select a render style: APA, Author, Harvard, Standard, Vancouver, Short or Long
  5. Download your report.

Filter settings


You can tweak the research content that is shown in your report by using filters. Click the funnel symbol at the top of the page to select one or more filters. It is possible to combine multiple filters.

For example, you can use the Journals and Period filters to report on publications in specific journals during a certain time period.


Saving filters

It is possible to save a filter that you have previously used. This is especially useful if you need to make the same report every year.

Simply click the drawing pin to save the filter settings. The filter will be saved in the menu on the left-hand side. You can choose a name for the filter yourself.

Last modified:24 January 2024 12.21 p.m.
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