The research output displayed on the UG research portal may be presented together with statistics about the number of downloads and with the following metrics:
If you are interested in these metrics and would like to know more about research impact, please take a look at the Research Intelligence Services of the University of Groningen.
Citations: Shows the number of citations from the Scopus bibliographic database (comparable to Web of Science).
Altmetric : Altmetric tracks a range of online news and social media sources to record and report on the attention surrounding scholarly output outside traditional academia.
PlumX: PlumX Metrics provides insight into how people interact with individual research results (articles, conference proceedings, book chapters and much more) in the online environment. For example, PlumX Metrics also shows when research is mentioned in the news or is tweeted about. There are five separate categories: quotes, uses, records, mentions and social media (
Download statistics: Number of downloads in Pure.

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Last modified: | 23 January 2024 4.09 p.m. |