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University of Groningen Library
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Reimbursement printing costs

  • How do I get reimbursed for the cost of printing my dissertation (still employed by RUG)?

    Once the University Library has received both the digital and printed versions of the dissertation and your dissertation has been entered in Pure / is visible on the RUG research portal, the PhD student will receive a confirmation e-mail. The e-mail contains a link to the dissertation on the RUG research portal plus information on how to obtain reimbursement of printing costs: maximum €750.

    If applicable, the mail contains a link to the reimbursement request form in Hora Finita. The FSSC, the financial department of the RUG, asks for:

    • a scan of the invoice from the printer
    • proof of payment, e.g. a copy of a bank statement

    Payment is generally within about 3 weeks (not counting holidays).

    A number of Graduate schools offer an additional fee for printing costs. Please contact your faculty's graduate school about this.

  • How do I get reimbursed for the cost of printing my dissertation (no longer appointed at RUG)?

    Send an email to horafinita containing the necessary details and files:

    • a scan of the printer's invoice
    • proof of payment, e.g. a copy / scan of a bank statement

    With this data, the library can submit the reimbursement request for you.

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