Information for Graduate Schools staff member
How to reload a manuscript to Hora Finita
Reloading a manuscript without starting a new procedure :
Note: If the manuscript already has motivational texts accompanying assessments: please save these in a separate document before making and saving any changes (!). This is because these motivational texts to the assessments must be added back later, otherwise they are really gone!- Pedel with GS combi role has the option to replace the old manuscript with the new one. Assuming the manuscript reviewers involved agree. (This request comes regularly. The procedure in HF is: reject manuscript and then resubmit. Rejecting a manuscript has too much of a negative connotation. We want to avoid that as much as possible. Therefore, we opt for replacing without rejecting).
- Go to the relevant PhD trajectory.
- First of all, turn off the mail function in the General tab.
(Uncheck ‘mail enabled: mails are being sent’. Then not
everyone will get mail about this. The mail messages to be sent can
still be seen under the tab (below) E-mails.
- At the conclusion of the change, do send a mail yourself,
outside HF, because the procedure has been completed.
- Important: Close each action with a click on the right save
icon at the bottom of the page!
- In the Manuscript page, you can delete the old version and
upload the new version.
- Then in the Assessment tab, you can set the reviewer's
assessment to Approved.
- At the end, in the Assessment tab (at the bottom under Agreed),
check whether the review has been set from Rejected to
- And at the end of these actions check the mail function again (in the General tab).
How to register an supervisor in Hora Finita
Registation of a superrvisor: this procedure is through the graduate school. -
How to register a staff member for Hora Finita?
The Hora Finita coordinator of a graduate school uses the aanvraagformulier Rollen & rechten Hora Finita (Roles & Permissions request form) located in Google Drive.
The form can be used to request or change roles and rights in Hora Finita for employees of graduate schools, promotion office and communication departments.
Coordinators of graduate schools, PhD degree registration office and communication departments who have rights to do so can find the request and change form in: -
What to do in case of changes in (co-)supervisors and assessment committee?
Always inform Hora Finita-support, if during a PhD trajectory there are changes in:
- (co-)supervisors and/or
- the members of the assessment committee.
The changes below affect the (joint) approval of the manuscript:
- when (co-)supervisors and/or members of the Assessment
Committee are removed
- when (co-)supervisors and/or members of the Assessment
Committee are replaced
- addition of (co-)supervisors and/or members of the Assessment Committee.
Failure to communicate these changes may have consequences at the end of the process for:
- the (joint) approval of the manuscript
- and placing a tick in the PhD checklist.
Hora Finita support will have to contact the Hora Finita supplier in these cases to make the approval visible in Hora Finita.
Note Bene: So this actually involves 2 joint checkmarks:- that of the (co-)supervisors (tab (co)-supervisors)
- that of the assessment committee (tab assessment)
Those are visible In both cases in tab PhD checklist.
- (co-)supervisors and/or
What do I need the promotion agency for the bull for?
The PhD degree registration office (promoveren manages all actions related to the doctoral bull (the certificate). So that is not what the graduate school does! -
What should I do to change the thesis title page?
Pre-promotion changes will be managed by the PhD degree registration office:
After the promotion, changes will be managed by the department dissertations of the university library: -
Method of starting a new PhD trajectory after a completed previous trajectory
Sometimes a PhD trajectory is terminated early and the PhD student in question continues with a new PhD trajectory at a later date with a different subject, and often with a different first supervisor.
Which steps in Hora Finita should then be carried out by the GS?
Step1- create e-number for the PhD student with the data from the p-number
- link e-number to the previous, terminated trajectory registration (if any)
- link e-number to the previous, terminated PhD trajectory
Step 2- start new trajectory registration with the PhD student's p-number (only for GSMS)
- start new PhD trajectory registration with the PhD student's p-number
In this way, the previous PhD trajectory is kept linked to the e-number (historical data) and a completely new trajectory is started in Hora Finita, linked to the p-number.
When logging in, there is no longer any reference to the old trajectory registration or the old PhD trajectory.
This way, there is no confusion between the old and new information. -
Questions FMS / GSMS