Searching for publications and data
How do I find literature and data?
You will find everything about searching for literature at Search literature and data.
How do I find data?
You will find everything about searching for literature at Search literature and data.
I'm looking for literature on a certain subject; how should I go about it?
There is an online guide for each subject. Check the Library Guide for your subject.
How can I request literature?
You can request books by using our catalogue SmartCat. You can collect the books from the Self Service after you received a notification.
Where can I find an explanation about SmartCat?
In our SmartCat Library Guide you will find more information on our catalogue.
Where can I find University of Groningen dissertations and theses?
You will find dissertations in the UG research portal. Bachelor's and Master's theses can be found per faculty. See: Theses and dissertations.
Where can I find your digital journals/E-books/online articles (digital collection)?
All our publications can be found in SmartCat. You can also find our digital collection via: E-resources.
A link to a digital journal doesn't work; what should I do?
You can report the broken link via Your question.
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