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University of Groningen Library
University of Groningen Library Research Intelligence Services Tools and services

Tools and services

Photo: David Vroom
Academic impact tools

SciVal and Incites are citation-based research analytics tools which can be applied for a variety of purposes, such as:

  • Generation of regular research impact reports
  • Benchmarking
  • Recruitment
  • Exploring collaborations
Societal impact tools

We are continually developing services to help researchers and research groups analyze and demonstrate societal impact and relevance of research over time, both in annual reporting and in SEP-evaluations.

As part of this effort, the UG Library has obtained a license to as from November 2018. Altmetric allows users to track the attention that research gets outside of academic publications, including mentions in the press, blogs, policy documents, patents, on social media, Mendeley and other sources.

As a supporter of the Leiden Manifesto, we highlight the responsible use of metrics and prudent use of research analytics tools in all of our activities.  

Contact Us

For Research Intelligence Support, email rise
For Expert Opinion, call Shaya Abdolahzadeh: +31(0)631983049

Last modified:08 July 2024 11.55 a.m.