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University of Groningen Library
University of Groningen Library Research Intelligence Services Services

Sign Up For Our Community

community image of three figures holding hands with network and heart in background

Join university and nation-wide networks to exchange knowledge and best practices.

enra is on a break but will come back soon
The ENRA community is currently on hold, but will be back soon. Don't hesitate to sign up already and be the first to know about our return!

Expertise Network Research Analytics (ENRA)

As part of our ongoing efforts to increase research analytics expertise, we have formed a university-wide Expertise Network Research Analytics (ENRA). The network links UG colleagues from different faculties and research units who are interested in measuring, demonstrating and enhancing the academic and societal impact of the UG’s research. We meet to exchange knowledge and best practices.

Ask to Join ENRA at rise

Research Intelligence Network Netherlands

The Research Intelligence Network Netherlands (RINN) is a community of professionals active on different aspects of research information processing, research assessment, and research policy/strategy.

The core activities of this network have so far focused on sharing best practices via networking opportunities and inspiring presentations during annual events.

Last modified:11 September 2024 12.36 p.m.