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University of Groningen Library
University of Groningen Library Research Intelligence Services Services

Our Services

infographic: plan your research trajectory with intelligence. For text version, see below

Text version: Along your research trajectory, questions are bound to arise regarding your optimal strategies. RISe performs and combines research intelligence analyses, providing you evidence to support your strategic choices along your research roadmap.

We support you along your research trajectory roadmap

  • we help you design a research strategy (for a research group, faculty or the university)
  • we help you design a collaboration strategy
  • we help you apply for grants or promotions
  • we help you recruit top talent
  • we help you conduct annual reviews (for an individual, faculty or institution)
  • we help you prepare for national research assessment, such as the Strategy Evaluation Protocol (SEP).

We provide answers to your strategic questions

  • What are my research strengths?
  • Am I studying cutting-edge topics?
  • What are my peers at other universities doing?
  • How do I compare to the national benchmarks?
  • Do I collaborate effectively?
  • Is my work cited enough?
  • Am I publishing in the right journals?
  • Is my research socially relevant?
  • ...

We perform and combine research intelligence analyses

Research Productivity
Tracking scholarly output, publications types, research topics, etc.
Collaboration Analysis
Evaluating collaborations at the institutional, national and international level by analysing co-authorship on publications.
Research Trends
Defining research strategies for individuals, faculties and the university.
Benchmarking Analysis
Comparing existing performance against other researchers or institutions.
Societal Relevance
Tracking the attention and influence of research (publications, hot topics) on policy, industry and the general public.
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Measure Your Impact
Measure Your Impact

Considerations when measuring research impact

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Read Case Studies

RISe case studies drawn from our previous newsletter issues.

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