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University of Groningen Library
University of Groningen Library Research Intelligence Services Services

Our Services

stages of the research life cycle
RISe supports you at every stage of your research's life cycle.

Research intelligence can inform and assist your research at every single step of its life cycle:

  • designing a research strategy
  • applying for funding
  • recruiting, requesting or giving promotions
  • conducting annual reviews

The UG Research Intelligence Services (RISe) are available at any stage of your research lifecycle, and can come in two forms:

We perform intelligence analyses

We conduct bibliometrics and altmetrics analyses at different levels: individual, institutional, national and international.

Research Productivity
Tracking scholarly output, publications types, research topics, etc.
Collaboration Analysis
Evaluating collaborations at the institutional, national and international level by analysing co-authorship on publications.
Research Trends
Defining research strategies for individuals, faculties and the university.
Benchmarking Analysis
Comparing existing performance against other researchers or institutions.
Societal Relevance
Tracking the attention and influence of research (publications, hot topics) on policy, industry and the general public.

Learn more about how we measure your research's impact and find examples of past analyses in our case studies.

About measuring impact
About measuring impact

Considerations when measuring research impact

Case Studies
Case Studies

RISe case studies drawn from our previous newsletter issues.

We help you do your own

We provide support, training and peer-review for your own analysis. Discover where to start to Do It Yourself and contact us if you need help.

Do It Yourself

Tips, tools and resources for Research Impact and Intelligence

Request our services

Contact Us

For Research Intelligence Support, email rise
For Expert Opinion, call Shaya Abdolahzadeh: +31(0)631983049

Last modified:22 July 2024 1.18 p.m.