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University of Groningen Library
University of Groningen Library Open Access Open Science Newsletter

Cost-free open access publishing in thousands of peer-reviewed journals

As a result of the successful negotiations of the Association of Dutch Universities (VSNU) with a dozen major publishers, any article with a corresponding author from a Dutch university can now be published in open access in thousands of peer-reviewed journals–at no costs for authors. The costs are 'prepaid' so to speak, and borne by the university libraries. Instead of just accessing all articles published in a given year, we can now also publish all our articles in open access.

The table below gives an overview of the number of journals with prepaid open access, horizontally ordered by the quartile scores of the Web of Science journal impact factor, and –vertically–publisher and subject area. In total, more than 7,300 journals are now available, many with high impact scores, which are less relevant in the humanities and parts of the social sciences.

  • Overview of agreements between Dutch university libraries and traditional academic publishers with an open access element starting in 2015 (source:

More journals will be added to the list as soon as new publisher deals are concluded. In 2018 another batch of Elsevier journals will be added, too.

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Last modified:14 February 2025 4.52 p.m.