Funder policies
Most research funding organizations require publications resulting from publicly funded grants to be published open access. Use the links below to find out about the open access policies of the most relevant research funding organizations in the Netherlands:
Are you funded by Horizon 2020 or Horizon Europe? Authors involved in H2020 and Horizon Europe projects can publish their results open access for free on the European Commission's publishing platform Open Research Europe (ORE).
If you are financed by a different funding organization, please consult the Open Policy Finder database to find out about your funders’ open access requirements. Contact us if you have any queries about how to comply with their open access policy.
Plan S - in effect from January 2021
Plan S is an initiative by an international consortium of research funding organizations (including the Dutch national funding organizations NWO and ZonMw) which aims to strengthen funding organizations’ open access mandates. This new policy takes effect from January 2021.

Do you have questions on open access that are specific to your discipline? Contact one of the open science ambassadors at the University's faculties. |
Last modified: | 12 February 2025 2.30 p.m. |