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University of Groningen Library
University of Groningen Library

Exhibition UB City Centre: Passion for collecting

08 October 2020
An album of cricketeers
An album of cricketeers

In the University of Groningen Library City Centre, a colourful selection of albums for picture cards is now on show, published in the Netherlands over the last hundred years that have been added to collection of the University Library of Groningen.

Passion for collecting, a century of Dutch picture books from our private collection (1920-2020)

Around 500 companies from a wide variety of sectors published over 2,000 albums, including: Verkade, Douwe Egberts, King, Droste, Plus, Albert Heijn, Hooijmer, Hille and Keg, but also broadcasting corporations such as AVRO. Those who purchased a company’s product received a card with a picture as a gift. A complete set could then fill an album. The pictures were illustrations to the story in the book, so in a way buyers completed their own books.

  • More information, online picture book
  • Display cabinet at Special Collections, stairwell 3rd floor
  • and also in every display cabinet in the stairwell and coffee corners
  • Thursday 8 October 2020 through Sunday 31 January 2021

    Please note: due to the Corona measures, the exhibition can only be visited by UG students and staff who have registered to gain access to the UB. Other interested parties can view the virtual photo album online.

The famous Jac P Thijsse collecting album
The famous Jac P Thijsse collecting album
Last modified:10 February 2022 10.28 a.m.
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