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Works cited

  • Zananiri, S. 2021. ‘Documenting the Social: Frank Scholten Taxonomising Identity in British Mandate Palestine’. In K. Sanchez Summerer and S. Zananiri (eds.), Imaging and Imagining Palestine Photography, Modernity and the Biblical Lens, 1918–1948 (Brill, OJ series), 266-306.
  • Irving S., Nassif C. and Sanchez Summerer, K. ‘The House of the Priest’: a Palestinian life (1885-1954) (Brill, Christians and Jews in Muslim Societies, 2022),
  • W. Waal, S. Zananiri, 2022. ‘Frank Scholten: de rusteloze fotograaf’. O ns Amsterdam 72, no. 7, 26-29.
  • S. Zananiri, 2018. ‘Frank Scholten. Landschap in het Brits Mandaat Palestina’. Fotografisch Geheugen 96, 26-30.
  • KwiecieĊ„, T.L. ‘Frank Scholten’. Fotolexicon, vol. 25, nr. 40.
  • Leiden University Libraries, 2022. Frank Scholten Collection (ubl 674).
Last modified:17 October 2023 1.41 p.m.