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University of Groningen Library
University of Groningen Library Collections Special Collections Collections


This collection of over 400 'Robinsonades' was originally a legacy of the Dutch scholar W.H. [Werner Hendrik] Staverman (1881-1956). The collection consists of the work of Daniel Defoe in earlier and later editions, translations and adaptations, and utopian literature that is often related to Robinson Crusoe. The Robinson Crusoe collection is not kept separately in the library but is merged with the rest of the collection.


  • W.H. Staverman, Robinson Crusoe in Nederland : een bijdrage tot de geschiedenis van den roman in de XVIIIe eeuw.- Groningen, 1907. Signature: 22B 3643;
  • T.J. Broos, J. Kingma, A. Bossers (red.), Robinson Crusoe in the Old and New Worlds.- Ann Arbor etc., 1992. Signature: uokw 085A 041 A;
  • Tonnis Musschenga (ed.), Chronologische lijst van de Robinson Crusoe collectie in de Universiteitsbibliotheek van Groningen.- Groningen, 1993. Signature: uokw 085A 041.
Last modified:20 September 2021 11.24 a.m.
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