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University of Groningen Library Collections Special Collections Collections

Archieve Theodorus Cornelis van Stockum

Brief overview


Name of the archive: Archive of Theodorus Cornelis van Stockum

Provenance: donation?

Dated: ca. 1905-1968

Size: 1 meter

Language of the materials: Dutch, English, German and Latin


Archive of Theodorus Cornelis van Stockum (1887-1969)

Collection number: UBG067

Institute: University of Groningen

Retainer: Groningen University Library

Provenance and acquisition


Theodorus Cornelis van Stockum (1887-1969) studied German language and linguistics, as well as philosophy in Groningen. In 1916 he received his doctorate under the supervision of the well-known Professor Heymans. His dissertation was about ‘Spinoza-Jacobi-Lessing’, combining his knowledge of German and his knowledge of philosophy. That same year he was appointed ‘privaatdocent’ at the University of Groningen. He was tasked with teaching ‘The history of modern philosophy, and especially its connection to German writing of the previous centuries’.

In 1917, Van Stockum became a teacher in Hilversum at both the Godelindeschool and the gymnasium (Latin school). After a year he started teaching at the HBS (higher civic school) instead of the Godelindeschool. He also taught history of German language and linguistics at the University of Utrecht as a ‘privaatdocent’ between 1918 and 1926, gaining a professorship in 1926. In 1926, van Stockum also joined the ‘Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde’ (Society for Dutch Language).

In 1919, Van Stockum returned to Groningen where he was appointed as a lecturer, succeeding Dr. H. Pongs. In the calm environment of the northern city, he found himself with more time to do research. In 1931, his appointment was changed to a full professorship. For his inaugural lecture in 1930, van Stockum chose Wilhelm Raabe’s pessimistic novel Der Schüdderamp as his topic. His 1931 lecture was entitled ‘De Godsvoorstelling in den Duitschen Minnezang vóór Walther von der Vogelweide’. (Imaginations of God in German ‘Minnesang’ before the time of Walther von der Vogelweide). These extremely different topics, as well as his inaugural lectures in Utrecht (‘Wilhelm Busch und der Humor’ and ‘Der Künstler und das Leben’) and his published works up until that point (mostly philosophical works) show van Stockum’s versatility as a scholar. He kept finding new and innovative ways to combine his three main areas of interest: the literary, the philosophical and the theological.

In 1947, Van Stockum was named a member of the ‘Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen’ (Dutch Royal Society). In 1962, on his 75th birthday, he received the gold medal from the ‘Goethe-Institut’, showing the institute’s appreciation and gratitude for the way Van Stockum had represented German language, linguistics, and culture in the Netherlands. Van Stockum’s typically Dutch approach towards his study of German language and literature was characterised by careful objectivity and a distaste for grand vocabulary and far-fetched theories, making it extra special to receive such recognition from the Goethe-Institut.

Van Stockum had quite a few ‘favourite’ areas of study: the Middle Ages (literature, as well as theology and mysticism); the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries (humanism, reformation, mysticism and theology); the enlightenment age (culture, literature and philosophy); Weimar; and a group of nineteenth century authors including Grillparzer, Stifter, Raabe and Fontane, as well as the philosopher Schopenhauer. Many of his published works address the relationship between classical antiquity and European literature.



Future additions

No future additions to this archive are expected.

Contents and collation

Instructions for users of the archive


The archive is accessible for research purposes. To look at the archive, a University Library Access Pass is required.

Limitations to use

The materials in this archive are available for viewing only. They cannot be borrowed. When consulting these materials, the rules set out in the Reglement voor de gebruikers van de Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit Groningen apply. Reproductions, insofar as they are allowed, are to be made in line with the rules set out in the Tarieven en diensten Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.

Accessing the collection

An inventory of the archive is available.


When referencing (materials from) this archive, the following information must be provided in full at least once. After this, an abbreviated citation suffices.

  • Archive: Universiteitsbibliotheek Groningen, Archive Van Stockum
  • Individual items: Groningen, UB, Van Stockum [number]


The materials in this archive can be requested by sending a mail to the Special Collections department or through the online library catalogue Smartcat.


Last modified:10 February 2023 2.38 p.m.
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