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University of Groningen Library Collections Special Collections Collections

Archive W.F. Dankbaar

Description of the collection of W.F. Dankbaar

Brief overview


Willem Frederik Dankbaar (1907-2001), Professor of Christianity and History of Christianity (Geschiedenis der leerstellingen van de Christelijke godsdienst, Geschiedenis van het Christendom) from 1953 to 1975.

Size: 1 archive box

Language of the materials: Dutch


The archive of Willem Frederik Dankbaar (1907-2001) contains a dissertation, a doctoral dissertation, lecture notes and correspondence.

Collection number: UBG081

Institute: Special Collections Department, University Library, University of Groningen

Provenance and acquisition


The archive was gifted to the University Library by Lien (E.A.) Lesterhuis-Dankbaar. 

Future additions

No future additions are expected.



Willem (Wim) Frederik Dankbaar was born in Amsterdam on 13 september 1907. His father worked at cigar shop ‘De Vorstenlanden’, as well as working at a Sunday school and leading bible study classes. In 1915 the family, now with two children, moved to Bloemendaal for the health of Dankbaar’s father. In Bloemendaal, Wim attended a Christelijk Lyceum. The family attended the local reformed church, where J.C. van Dijk was the pastor. The son of Isaac van Dijk, a renowned theologist, J.C. van Dijk had an open mind and an impressive knowledge of world literatures. A variety of well-known theologists, mostly Professors visiting from Utrecht, preached at the church. These experiences contributed to Wim going on to study theology at the University of Utrecht. In 1931, he had passed his doctoral exams and became a preacher. He was stationed in Kuinre and married Annie Beekman. Whilst living and working in Kinre, the couple had four children: son Wil as well as three daughters. Besides being a preacher, Dankbaar was also working on a dissertation, but this project did not succeed: he was too busy and the subject matter did not interest him. The family moved to St. Annaparochie, where Wim felt more inspired: he got in contact with professors at Leiden University and chose a completely new topic. In 1940, his dissertation on Luther’s studies of the Sacraments was finished. After this promotion, the family moved once again, this time to Goes-Wilhelminadorp.

Dankbaar was the co-founder of two periodicals: the Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift and Hervormd Nederland. During the war, he facilitated the continuation of theology studies at an ‘emergency faculty.’

In 1946, Dankbaar was named zendingsdirector (missionary director). He also started teaching at the Zendingshogeschool, a school focusing on missionary work.

Starting on 6 may 1953, Dankbaar took on a post at the theology department of the University of Groningen (de geschiedenis van het christendom en de leerstellingen van de christelijke godsdienst), succeeding J. Lindeboom. He would hold this post until 1 september 1975. Besides this, he was also involved with many societies within his field of studies.

  • Director of the Oecumenische Raad van Kerken in Nederland (Ecumenist gathering of Dutch churches) (1955-1963)
  • Advisor to the Austin Friars (1956-1975)
  • Member of Teylers Godgeleerd Genootschap te Haarlem (until 1975)

Besides all of this, Dankbaar was a prolific writer and had many works published throughout his lifetime.  

Instructions for users of the archive


The collection is accessible for research purposes. To view this collection, a University Library Access Pass is needed. 

Limitations to use

The materials in this collection are available for viewing only. They cannot be borrowed. When consulting this collection, the rules set out in the Reglement voor de gebruikers van de Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit Groningen apply. Reproductions, insofar as they are allowed are to be made in line with the rules set out in the Tarieven en diensten Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.

Accessing the collection

An inventory of the collection is available


When referencing (materials from) this collection, the following information must be provided:

University Library Groningen, Archive Dankbaar


Pieces from the collection can be requested by sending an email to the Special Collections Department.

Last modified:16 May 2023 07.48 a.m.
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