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University of Groningen Library
University of Groningen Library Collections Special Collections Collections

Archive H.J.F.W. Brugmans

Description of the collection of H.J.F.W. Brugmans

Brief overview

Title: Archive Brugmans

Provenance: Gift from E. Brugmans-Beukema, 1965. Apparently some additional materials were received after 1973.

Dated: 1914-1973

Size: 15 boxes

Language of the materials: Dutch


Scientific legacy of Prof. Dr Henri Johan Frans Willem Brugmans, mainly consisting of lecture notes and transcripts of speeches. Brugmans’ personal book collection has likely been placed in the library of the   Filosofisch Instituut (uklu Brugmans, box 15); this library collection was moved to the University Library around 2012.

Collection number:  UBG cb030

Institute: University Library Groningen

Retainer: University Library Groningen

Provenance and acquisition


Prof. dr. Henri Johan Frans Willem Brugmans was born 5 june 1884 in Laeken, Belgium to Dutch parents. He passed away 21 February 1961 in Groningen. When Brugmans was six years old, his family moved to Groningen where his father became a deputy director at the Doofstommeninstituut (institute for the mute).

Brugmans, who studied at the University of Groningen, passed the candidates exam in theology and philosophy in 1906/1907, and in 1908 he passed the doctoral exam in philosophy, which was at that time taught by Heymans.

In 1913 he became a private teacher in theology and shortly thereafter he became Heymans’ assistant in the psychology department. From 1919-1928 he was a lecturer in theoretische pedagogiek (theoretical pedagogy) and from 1928-1954 he was professor zielkunde en haar toepassingen, pedagogiek en psychotechniek (applied psychology, pedagogy and psychotechnology) at the faculty of Arts and Behavioural Science. Brugmans was one of Heymans successors, alongside Leo Polak, who became the professor of philosophy.

After the Second World War, psychology was partly moved to the combined faculties of Natural Sciences as well as Arts and Behavioural Science. Brugmans became the head of the psychology department in 1949/1950.

In the 1920’s Brugmans became the first director of the Social-Pedagogic Institute de Dr. D. Bos-Stichting. Furthermore, he was a director and founding member of the Nederlandsch Instiuut voor Praktizerende Psychologen (1938-1952), head of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychologie, head of the Heymansgenootschap and head of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Wijsbegeerte for some time.


Dr. Henri Johan Frans Willem Brugmans / J. Th Snijders. In: Jaarboek der Rijksuniversiteit te Groningen, 1961, p. 39-41

In memoriam professor dr. H.J.F.W. Brugmans / T.T. ten Have. In: Nederlands tijdschrift voor de psychologie en haar grensgebieden, Nieuwe reeks, dl. 16 (1961), p. 173-178


The collection was granted to the University Library in 1965. Because there are documents in there dated as late as 1973, there must have been a second moment at which materials were given.

Future additions

No further additions to the collection are expected.

Contents and collation

Mainly lecture notes and transcripts of speeches.

Instructions for users of the archive


The collection is available for research purposes. To view the collection, a University Library access pass is required.

Limitations to use

The materials in this collection are available for viewing only. They cannot be borrowed. When consulting this collection, the rules set out in the Reglement voor de gebruikers van de Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit Groningen apply. Reproductions, insofar as they are allowed are to be made in line with the rules set out in the Tarieven en diensten Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.

The copyright is with Brugmans’ heirs. As the owner of the collection, the University Library Groningen has the sole right to publish (parts of) this collection.


When referencing materials from this collection, or the collection as a whole, the following information must be given:

  • Collection: Universiteitsbibliotheek Groningen, Archief Brugmans
  • Individual items: Groningen, UB, uklu Brugmans [number]

Accessing the collection      

An inventory of the collection is available.


The materials in this collection can be requested by sending an email to the Special Collections Department.



Bibliography: Nederlandsch tijdschrift voor de psychologie en haar grensgebieden (Amsterdam), 9(1954) p. 475-479

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