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University of Groningen Library
University of Groningen Library Collections Special Collections Collections

Archive Johannes Diderik Bierens de Haan

Collection description archive J.D. Bierens de Haan

Brief overview


Name of the archive: Archive Johannes Diderik Bierens de Haan

Provenance: Bierens de Haan foundation

Dated: 1966-1985

Size: one archive box

Language of the materials: Dutch



Archive of Johannes Diderik Bierens de Haan, as well as the foundation named after him.

Archive number: UBG060

Institute: University of Groningen

Retainer: University Library Groningen

Provenance and acquisition


Johannes Diderik Bierens de Haan was born in Amsterdam in 1866. His family was a well-to-do reform family, with his father Jan Bierens de Haan being a tea salesman as well as an art collector. His mother was named Louise Leonore van Leeuwen. Bierens de Haan attended the gymnasium school in Haarlem, and studied theology in Utrecht. In 1891, he received his doctoral degree from the University of Groningen, on the back of a dissertation about Shaftesbury.

He married Leonardina Wilhelmina Carolina Bervoets, and the couple moved to Ootmarsum, where Bierens de Haan would serve as the preacher. The marriage was a fruitful one: the couple had one daughter who unfortunately died at a young age, as well as four surviving children: three boys and one girl. The family subsequently lived in Hoogland (1895-1900) and then moved to Roosendaal (1900-1906).

Bierens de Haan mainly worked in the fields of philosophy and literature. Between 1887 and 1940, he was particularly prolific. At first, he published as a theologian and preacher (1891-1906). After his departure from the church, he worked as a teacher, publicist and editor for the Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte (periodical for philosophy). His mystical-religious views on life are informed by philosophers such as Plato, Kant and Hegel, but especially through his readings of Spinoza’s work. In 1895, Bierens de Haan developed a fascination with Spinoza. In that year, the editors of the new periodical De Kroniek ask Bierens de Haan to write for them on Willem Meijer’s translations of Spinoza’s TTP and Ethica. Since then, Bierens de Haan devoted much of his time to studying Spinoza.

In 1907 Bierens de Haan was one of the founding members of the Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte and he became its first editor-in-chief. The periodical was part of a renaissance of Dutch philosophy and becomes successful. In 1909, Bierens de Haan and his family move to Aerdenhout.

From 1916 onwards, Bierens de Haan becomes involved with the ‘Internationale school voor Wijsbegeerte’ (International school for Philosophy), a Dutch philosophical institute. In 1922 he becomes the director of society ‘Het Spinozahuis’, a position he would maintain until his death.

After the Second World War, much of Bierens de Haan’s work was forgotten about. In 1966, on the 100th anniversary of his birth, a small gathering was held to celebrate and honour his legacy. From this meeting, the idea of a Bierens de Haan foundation was born, but due to a lack of interest, this foundation would be disbanded in 1985.


The archive was donated.

Future additions

No further additions to this archive are expected.

Contents and collation

The archive contains correspondence, mainly with J.G. van der Bend. Van der Bend was working on a book about Bierens de Haan at the time of the correspondence. There is correspondence between Van der Bend and the publisher, Bierens de Haan’s children, the philosophy departments at several     universities, media, as well as with professors and other academics about the memorial. The archive further contains documents regarding the goals and finances of the Bierens de Haan foundation, newspaper clippings, and literature written by both Bierens de Haan and Van der Bend.

Instructions for users of the archive


The archive is accessible for research purposes. To look at the archive, a University Library Access Pass is required.

Limitations to use

The materials in this archive are available for viewing only. They cannot be borrowed. When consulting these materials, the rules set out in the Reglement voor de gebruikers van de Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit Groningen apply. Reproductions, insofar as they are allowed, are to be made in line with the rules set out in the Tarieven en diensten Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.

Accessing the archive

An inventory of the archive is available.


When referencing (materials from) this archive, the following information must be provided in full at least once. After this, an abbreviated citation suffices.

  • Archive: University Library Groningen, archive Bierens de Haan
  • Individual items: Groningen, UB, Bierens de Haan [number]


The materials in this archive can be requested by sending a mail to the Special Collections department.


Last modified:02 June 2023 11.29 a.m.
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