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University of Groningen Library
University of Groningen Library Collections Special Collections

Presentation of the Wijchers Collection

When:Th 21-11-2024 14:30 - 16:30
Where:Reading room Special Collections

The University Library (UB) recently had the opportunity to purchase the Wijchers Collection; we would like to celebrate this event with the Wijchers family and with you. You are cordially invited to a lecture, an official transfer ceremony, an exhibition and a performance by the musical ensemble Equinox.

The Wijchers Collection
The Wijchers Collection

Rev. Jurriaan J.W.A. Wijchers (1914–1997), a pastor in the Dutch Reformed Church, established the Collection.

In 1998, the Wijchers family gave the Collection on permanent loan to the University of Groningen, where it was held in the library of the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies (now: Faculty of Religion, Culture and Society). Together with the Faculty’s library, the Wijchers Collection was transferred to the UB in 2014.

It is a diverse collection of songbooks from various traditions and in different languages, as well as a theological reference library. We would like to tell you the story of this special collection and show you some of the pieces.

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