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University of Groningen Library
University of Groningen Library Annual Review UB 2016 Library - digital

Start of various website projects: new UL website – Olympus – new CML website – new DNPP website

New UL website Olympus / new CML website / DNPP

We have started to design a new theme portal to help improve the UL website by making it more intuitive to use and with a clearer structure. Searching for information, processing literature and data and publication of research results were the primary customer-oriented focus areas. Wishes included a search feature with three sections placed prominently on the page (to enable direct searches in SmartCat, Google Scholar, UL website), a reduced number of pages and one external website (rather than separate websites for students/staff).

In July, the Central Medical Library (CML) introduced a new online theme portal for its own target group.

In addition, the Olympus project was initiated. This project aims to take an out-of-the-box look at possibilities for an innovative website, without any technical or other limitations.

The Documentation Centre for Dutch Political Parties (DNPP) also started to build two new websites, focusing on the histories of the liberal political party VVD and its youth organization JOVD. These new, lively websites containing a lot of image material will be launched in 2018 and 2019 respectively. The websites should become a hub of accessible sources and in-depth information.

Last modified:22 February 2019 3.57 p.m.
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