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Types of master's programmes

Master degree programmes

The master degree programmes form a logical continuation of a bachelor in the same field of study. Research is conducted in the master's phase, resulting in a thesis. With every bachelor's degree, you can move on to a master degree programme in the same direction (transfer masters). There are natural intake requirements for independent masters (programmes for which there is no own bachelor programme) and in some cases there is a selection procedure.

Research masters

Extensive research is central to the research masters. A research master's is a good preparation for a possible career as a scientific researcher. Research masters last two years and have a selection procedure.

The research master tracks are intended for talented students who, after completing their studies, wish to hold a position as a researcher outside the university or who want to carry out a PhD research. The Faculty of Arts provides eight research mastertracks that all have a size of 120 ECTS points or two full-time study years.

Educational masters

Educational Masters are two-year courses in which a first-degree teaching qualification is obtained. During the first year, the emphasis is on subject-specific subjects and the thesis. This year is very similar to the master degree programme. In the second year, the student follows a learning-work path that includes an extensive educational internship.

Erasmus Mundus Programmes

The Faculty of Arts is very proud that the European Commission has awarded the prestigious Erasmus Mundus status to three of its Masters programmes. Within the EU, we are the only faculty with so many programmes in the Erasmus Mundus framework.

An Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) is a prestigious, integrated, international study programme offered by an international consortium of higher education institutions. After annual selection rounds, EMJMD institutions also provide EU-funded grants for the best candidate-students.

The study must be followed in at least two programme countries. Part of the study may also take place in a partner country, if an institution is established there that is also involved in the EMJMD.

After completing your EMJMD, you will receive either a common title (i.e. one diploma on behalf of at least two higher education institutions in the consortium) or a multiple title (i.e. at least two diplomas from educational institutions in the consortium).

Double/dual/joint degree programme

The University of Groningen has joined forces with strategic international partner universities worldwide to offer joint programmes enabling students to study in different countries and learn about different societies. Upon successful completion of a joint programme, students receive an additional certificate and in some cases a degree from both universities.

Last modified:08 January 2025 08.57 a.m.
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