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Madison (Maddie) Mundy

Bachelor student History
Madison Mundy

About Madison

Hi my name is Madison (but you can just call me Maddie)! I just started my third year of my Bachelor's degree. I am all the way from Indiana in the U.S. and I came here to study History (in the International track of course). I am very involved in the study association for History, Ubbo Emmius, and I do various martial arts in Groningen. I enjoy cooking with my friends and exploring all the fun things the Netherlands has to offer.

Why History?

I find history fascinating because everyone sees things in a different way in history so you can take the same exact event and write thousands of different essays from all kinds of perspectives and all of those essays could be true at the same time. Learning about history (and why we remember what we do) can tell us so much about our current society. Nothing in the past is preserved by accident, everything is kept, or erased, for a reason.

Why Groningen?

Groningen is an exciting and diverse city. It is very international so you get to meet people from all over with a wide array of experiences and areas of expertise. It is also the perfect size, not too big or too small. Because it is such a big student city there is also always something happening and tons of associations/groups for students to be a part of. Overall, I would say it is a very ‘gezellige’ city (for those who don’t know this Dutch word yet, don’t worry you soon will).


I am planning to get my Master’s in Heritage and Museum studies in Amsterdam. Throughout my time studying here I have found a passion for preserving and teaching the past so I would like to become a curator here in the Netherlands. Studying here has made me realize that there are a lot more options for History students than I thought.

Golden Tip

I think the best thing you can do for yourself when you get here is to join associations. They are great for meeting new people and can help you get a feel for the city very quickly. I know it is scary to move to a new place all alone but if you stay open to the new experiences and put yourself out there, you’ll do great. And if you feel lost just shoot me an email.

Last modified:20 June 2024 11.21 a.m.