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About us Faculty of Arts Our faculty Organisatie Services and facilities CLIQ - Centre for Learning Innovation and Quality

CLIQ - Centre for Learning Innovation and Quality

CLIQ is the Centre for Learning Innovation and Quality of the Faculty of Arts. The Centre belongs to the Institute of Education and supports teachers, study programs committees and the Faculty Board in the innovation and improvement of education. The main activities of the Centre are:

  • initiating and supervising educational innovation projects;
  • supporting and coordinating educational innovations;
  • advising on teacher professionalization and training;
  • advising on assessment and assessment policy.

CLIQ employees are:

Sake Jager - Project Manager Educational Innovation

Hans Kluck - Policy Advisor Education

Simone Pentermann, Junior Educational Development Officer

André Rosendaal - Project Manager Educational Innovation

Hendrik Visser - Junior Policy Advisor Education

Within the framework of the Education Action Plan CLIQ is temporarily expanded with two people from ESI (Educational Support and Innovation):

Marlies Venhuizen-ter Beek

Iain Johnston-White

You will find information about CLIQ's activities and relevant developments on this site.

Also read our blog!


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