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Three Faculty of Arts degree programmes receive a combined 12.6 million in European grants

21 July 2020

The European Commission has made a12.6 million grant available, via the prestigious Erasmus Mundus programme, for three Joint Master Degree programmes of the Faculty of Arts, as announced on July 15. The awarded Master's programmes are Clinical Linguistics (EMCL; over4.4 million), Euroculture (over4.3 million) and the International Program in Humanitarian Action (NOHA; over3.9 million). The programmes are joint Master's programmes from various participating Universities in Europe. The Faculty is the consortium leader of EMCL and Euroculture, while NOHA is one of seven partners.

Out of one hundred applications submitted, seven of which were proposed by Dutch universities, forty programmes were selected for funding. It is exceptional that the Faculty of Arts contributes to three of these programmes. It is the fourth consecutive time that these programmes have been awarded the Erasmus Mundus label.

Erasmus Mundus strives to promote the quality of higher education through scholarships and academic cooperation between Europe and the rest of the world. Awarding this funding means that students can apply for an Erasmus scholarship if they wish to take one of these programmes, and that the implementation of the programme is supported financially.

Last modified:27 July 2020 5.10 p.m.
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