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Digital Competence Centre
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Digital Competence Centre

FAIR Research Software: from policy to practice

When:Tu 05-03-2024 13:30 - 18:00
Where:House of Connections, Grote Markt 21, 9712 HR Groningen

The Digital Competence Centre (UG DCC) invites all researchers, research support staff, open science enthusiasts, and policymakers interested in research software from across the country to join us on Tuesday 5 March 2024 at the Groningen House of Connections!

Research software is essential for conducting research and plays a critical role in the continuity of research in many fields. Our event ‘FAIR Research Software: from policy to practice’ aims to raise awareness and stimulate discussion among researchers, research support staff, and policymakers on the following topics:

  • The latest national requirements regarding research software
  • Challenges and guidelines for making research software open and FAIR
  • Upcoming projects and support available
  • Community challenges


13:30- 14:00
Walk-in with coffee
14:00 - 14:10

Welcome session

14:10 - 15:20
First round:
  • 'The path of the UG towards FAIR and Open research software and the role of the CIT'

    • Prof. dr. Ronald Stolk, director of the Center for Information Technology (CIT) and CIO of the University of Groningen

  • 'FAIR Software – the funder perspective'

    • Maria Cruz, programme Leader of Open Research Software and senior policy advisor in Open Science at NWO
    • "Research software plays a vital role in contemporary research by advancing scientific knowledge, fostering collaboration and ensuring reproducibility. Funders can play a crucial role in supporting open and FAIR research software and the people who develop it. In my talk, I’ll explain how NWO, now also through Open Science NL, supports and stimulates open and FAIR research software in the Netherlands and beyond."
  • 'FAIR software: what does it mean for research in practice?'

15:20 - 15:35
Coffee Break
15:35 - 16:40
Second round:
  • 'The ParMALib Project: Preserving parallel algorithms for mathematical morphology for future scientists'

    • Dr. Michael Wilkinson, associate professor in Computer Science at the University of Groningen Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence of the Faculty of Science and Engineering.

  • 'Building sustainable open-source scientific software'

    • Dr. Sebastiaan Mathot, assistant professor at the Department of Experimental Psychology of the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences of the University of Groningen.

  • 'Knowledge Sharing for Researchers: Extracting, Indexing and Listing Replication Packages from Past Research'

    • Prof. Andrea Capiluppi, associate professor in Software Engineering at the University of Groningen Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence of the Faculty of Science and Engineering.
16:35 - 16:45
Closing session
16:45 - 18:00
Borrel and open discussion


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