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Over ons Actueel Nieuws Nieuwsberichten

NWO Research Talent Grant received

12 juli 2013

Loes van Rijsewijk (Research Master student RuG), René Veenstra (ICS-RuG), and Jan Kornelis Dijkstra (ICS-RuG) have received together with Christian Steglich (ICS-RuG), and Richard Fabes (Arizona State University) a Research Talent Grant of NWO for their project ‘ Antecedents and consequences of adolescents’ prosocial relationships: Peer group dynamics at the individual, dyadic, network, and contextual level’.

Prosocial behavior entails voluntary behavior that benefits others or promotes harmonious relations with others. To date, research has concentrated mainly on prosocial behavior as an individual outcome. However, prosocial behavior is inextricably linked to embeddedness in social contexts encompassing social exchange, mutual dependencies, and cooperation among individuals. Thus, in order to understand antecedents and consequences of adolescents’ engagement in prosocial behavior, research should pay attention to prosocial relationships (“who is prosocial towards whom”). Second, although peers are key to adolescent development, their role in prosocial behavior has been largely overlooked. Given the scarcity of research on this subject, knowledge resulting from this project addresses a significant scientific gap. Integrating insights from sociology, psychology, education, and statistics, the results will concern a wider scientific audience.
     In this project, the influence of individual characteristics on involvement in prosocial behavior (who gives/receives help?) and (dis)similarity between prosocial partners (who helps whom?) is first investigated. Second, we examine the interrelatedness between prosocial relations, friendships, and antipathies to assess whether prosocial relations result in friendships; whether friendships lead to prosocial relations; and whether establishing prosocial relations reduces antipathies. Third, we examine classroom differences in whether prosocial exchanges are restricted to friends or extend also to other classmates. Finally, we examine influence processes in networks of prosocial relations and their consequences for behavioral adjustment. Together, these studies provide insights into initiation, development, and significance of adolescent prosocial relationships with peers.

Laatst gewijzigd:04 juli 2014 21:37

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