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Results and publications

All interviews have been conducted and analysed. The dissertation of Dorijn Wubs about Project Iris can be found here.


Wubs, D., Batstra, L., & Grietens, H. (2018). Speaking with and without words – An analysis of foster children’s expressions suggesting sexual abuse. Journa of Child Sexual Abuse, 27(1), 70-87.

Wubs, D., Batstra, L., & Grietens, H. (2018). Balancing between caregiving and professionalism—Women's narratives on fostering a victim of maternal sexual abuse. Child and Family Social Work.

Wubs, D., Batstra, L., & Grietens, H. (submitted). Meta-level sensitivity: A helpful tool in collecting narrative data?

Grietens, H., Steenbakkers, A., & Wubs, D. (2015). Over de betekenis van verhalend onderzoek in de orthopedagogiek. In Grietens, H., Haakma, I., Huyghen, A.M.N., Janssen, H.J.M., Knot-Dickscheit, J. & Post, W.J. (Red.). Orthopedagogiek maakt verschil! Profiel en toekomst van een discipline in beweging (pp. 289-298). Leuven: Acco.

The foster parent magazine Mobiel published an interview with Hans Grietens, Anne Steenbakkers (Project BOP) and Dorijn Wubs (Project Iris) in February 2015: Over de gevolgen van seksueel misbruik.

Last modified:20 June 2024 08.07 a.m.
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