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Method and participants

By analyzing the files of all families who are referred to the center over a period of one and a half year (over 70 files), we will make a detailed description of the target group using a score form to filter characteristics on parent, child and family level. The care processes of families are being monitored with the Electric Client Files.

All families admitted to the center in the period between March 2014 and December 2015 are asked to participate in the study. We measure dimensions of parenting at the beginning of the intervention, half way through and just before completing the program by filming typical parenting situation like mealtime, bathing the child and taking the child to bed. These film fragments will be coded with different instruments including the Emotional Availability Scales (EAS). In addition, the professionals who work on a daily basis with the families fill in an questionnaire on basic safety, care and upbringing (BVVO), which was developed by us.

Sustainability of the intervention is being studied in a follow-up of six months after completing the intervention. Referrals of the families are invited to fill in a questionnaire and families are interviewed during a home visit on their experiences with De Stee and on their well-being.

Last modified:20 June 2024 08.07 a.m.
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