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In 2009, the Expertise Center for Treatment and Assessment of Parenting andPpsychiatry ‘De Stee’ has opened as part of Mental Health Care Center Drenthe. The target group of the center consists of families in multi-problem situations, who either want to be reunited with their young child (0-2) or avoid an out-of-home placement.

De Stee offers an inpatient intervention of four months, aiming to improve the parenting situation and to dind out whether family reunification is feasible or whether foster care is in the best interests of the child.

In 2011, De Stee invited the University of Groningen to collaborate in an evaluation study within the expertise center. In 2012, funding was granted by Stichting Kinderpostzegels Nederland, Fonds NutsOhra and the Commissie voor Onderzoek en Programmaevaluatie van GGZ Drenthe and in 2013 the project started.


  • Anne-Fleur Vischer
    Tel: 06-13 38 15 61
  • Hans Grietens
Last modified:20 June 2024 08.07 a.m.
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