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Project start

The project started in February 2011 with a well-attended symposium about a successful project that has been running since 2000 in the UK. That project, the 'Learning to Learn' project funded by the National Campaign for Learning, is hosted by the Centre for Learning and Teaching (CfLaT) at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne. Two project coordinators, Prof. dr. David Leat and Dr. Kate Wall, told participants about experiences and findings of this 'L2L' project. The symposium was attended by 85 participants, mostly education professionals working in the North of the Netherlands.

The British Learning to Learn project

The British L2L project includes over 80 action research proejcts conducted by teachers in their classrooms across all education sectors (preschool to university). The key objective for the research is to make learning more learnable and fun. More information on the project can be found via the L2L website.

Symposium activities

During the symposium posters were presented with findings from the British L2L project. In addition, video-interviews were shown that were recorded with a number of teachers who had participated in the L2L project, and who talked about their experiences of carrying out action research on learning to learn in their own classrooms.

The symposium was financially supported by the Dutch postgraduate school for educational research, ISED.

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