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Promising learning environments

How do we create promising learning environments for all pupils and students? In the context of this domain, we study the knowledge, attitudes, values, and skills that are required in learning environments in order to improve the educational opportunities of all pupils and students, and to secure the effectiveness of education.

Diversity, multilingualism, and inclusion in learning environments
Ridwan Maulana 
Joana Duarte

Effectiveness of teachers; conceptualization and operationalization
Ridwan Maulana
Marie Christine Opdenakker
Michelle Helms-Lorenz
Cathy Feng
Bilge Gencoglu

Promising supervision of early career teachers in foundational education and of lecturers in higher education
Michelle Helms-Lorenz
Ridwan Maulana
Cathy Feng

Diversity, equal opportunities, and inclusion in foundational and higher education
Irene Poort
Ridwan Maulana
Michelle Helms-Lorenz
Manije Zhu

Multidisciplinary collaboration between students in higher education
Jennifer Schijf 

Artificial Intelligence and ‘extended reality’ in education 
Marjon Fokkens-Bruinsma
Ridwan Maulana
Marie-Christine Opdenakker
Michelle Helms-Lorenz
Cathy Feng
Tim Huijgen

Education of the future
Irene Poort

Last modified:20 June 2024 08.03 a.m.
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