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Migrant-Organization Fit and sustainable labor market integration

In her Ph.D. project, Anne Kuschel aims to understand which combination(s) of individual and organizational factors facilitate the successful recruitment and retention (R&R) of migrant employees in European labor markets. She combines sociological knowledge on (in)formal diversity management practices in organizations with social psychological knowledge focusing on cultural differences of first generation migrants.

Subproject 1: Anne has followed newcomers in a combined language and work experience training.

Subproject 2-3: Anne analyses labour market statistics to gain insights when labor market integration of newcomers is sustainable and when it may fail.

An article about the combined language and work training is currently prepared for publication.

This is a PhD project funded by the BSS faculty and supervised by Rafael Wittek, Nina Hansen, and Liesbet Heyse.

Last modified:20 June 2024 08.11 a.m.
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