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Integration despite isolation

In March 2020, the Netherlands went into lockdown and the universities, schools and shops suddenly had to close. A difficult time for everyone; but how were newcomers experiencing this time? Together with a team of students, the organizations ‘Groningen Verwelkomt’ and ‘Heel Groningen helpt’ as well as three Syrian researchers, Nina Hansen conducted research about the situation of newcomers in the Netherlands during the lockdown. On this website, the team shares their main findings and practical recommendations for societal actors. The most important finding is that integration almost stagnated. It is therefore essential to bring newcomers and Dutch people into contact with each other, because contact is crucial for integration.

Information about the project:

Video Webinar:

Report about practical recommendations (policy brief)

Will soon be shared.

The research was funded by the European Association of Social Psychology.

Last modified:20 June 2024 08.11 a.m.
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