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Linda Steg and Andre Aleman elected by KNAW

01 July 2017

The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts & Sciences (KNAW) has chosen André Aleman and Linda Steg of the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, University of Groningen to join its ranks . A total of 26 new members were elected this year. KNAW members are elected on the basis of high-quality academic achievements.

The KNAW has over 550 members, all of whom are prominent academics working in diverse fields of academic research. The KNAW’s tasks include advising the government about matters pertaining to science, promoting national and international cooperation at the academic level and being responsible for fifteen leading research institutes.

Andre Aleman
Andre Aleman

André Aleman, Professor of Neurosciences (UG/UMCG)

André Aleman is an innovative, internationally renowned brain researcher. His research field covers subjects such as suicide, ageing, schizophrenia and depression. One of Aleman’s achievements was to analyse the brains of schizophrenic patients who hear voices. His research is regularly cited in textbooks and finds its way onto the bookshelves of policymakers. Aleman, who was previously a member of The Young Academy, has also written an international bestseller about the ageing brain and gives lectures to diverse audiences.

Linda Steg
Linda Steg

Linda Steg, Professor of Environmental Psychology

Linda Steg focuses on the question of how we can understand, predict and influence environmentally aware behaviour. Her research examines subjects such as how people use their cars and why people waste energy. Steg showed that when it comes to the environment, people pay less attention to cost/benefit analyses, facts and arguments than to standards, values and feelings. Steg’s research helps policymakers to find ways to influence people’s behaviour.

Last modified:20 June 2024 07.56 a.m.
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