Age in the Workplace Meeting 2021

The theme of the meeting is “A strengths-based approach on getting older: Unique contributions of older workers”.
The 2021 Age in the Workplace Meeting (AWM) is organized conjointly by the Department of Human Resource Studies at Tilburg University and the Department of Organizational Psychology at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, from October 27-29, 2021.
At this time, we plan to hold the meeting at the University of Groningen when a minimum of 40 participants register.
About the meeting
The theme of the meeting is “A strengths-based approach on getting older: Unique contributions of older workers”. The meeting will feature empirical and conceptual research on the theme topic, but also contributions from the broader field of work, aging, and retirement.
IMPORTANT: Note that this meeting is by invitation only. That is, at this time we are only including researchers who were attendees at the 2015, 2017, or 2019 small group meetings on Age in the Workplace in Limerick (Ireland), Lüneburg (Germany), and St. Gallen (Switserland).
NEW: PhD Workshop
This year the AWM includes a PhD workshop prior to the AWM sponsored by Work, Aging and Retirement, published by Oxford University Press, as well as the University of Florida. This workshop is available for 12 PhD students, each affiliated to one of the invited labs. The workshop will be held on Oct. 26. During the workshop, PhD students have the opportunity to present their project and receive feedback from senior researchers in the field. Work, Aging and Retirement will sponsor 1 night hotel stay and catering/dinner for selected PhD students.
Besides the scientific exchange and discussion, we also want you to experience the Dutch culture, and will organize trips and outings including a conference dinner.
Meeting Chairs
Susanne Scheibe (University of Groningen) and Dorien Kooij (Tilburg University)
Last modified: | 20 June 2024 08.10 a.m. |