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Jaap Nieuwenhuis

Assistant professor of Sociology

I trained as a sociologist and social geographer and have been working as an associate professor in the Department of Sociology since 2021.

I spend much of my time teaching: I teach two courses and supervise both Bachelor’s and Master’s theses. I devote the remaining time as much as possible to research, which involves writing research proposals and papers.

I appreciate the pleasant working atmosphere at the faculty. Staff get along well and there is always someone around who can help with problems. Working together on projects has increasingly made me feel part of the group. I also receive a lot of professional support from individual colleagues, for instance by critically reading research proposals. And outside working hours, there is occasionally time for a beer in the pub next to the faculty.

With my work, I try to do my bit to contribute to a society where everyone is given equal opportunities. The rising socio-economic inequality in the Netherlands and the world is leading to an increasingly unfair society. My research focuses on understanding the causes and consequences of this inequality. The focus often lies on the unequal opportunities young people have in education, on the basis of their family background or what neighbourhood they were born in. I also research the impact this inequality has on them personally and on society.
With this knowledge, we can continue to emphasize the importance of having a society where everyone has equal opportunities.

Last modified:20 June 2024 07.32 a.m.
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