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We like to stay in touch with our graduates. Would you like to stay updated? Sign up for the alumni newsletter or become a member of an alumni association.


The Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences sends out a newsletter to alumni every two months. In this newsletter, you will find news about interesting research results and alumni activities, among other things.

Please sign up to receive the newsletter


Do you have a question? Please contact us at

Alumni associations

Within the faculty, the following alumni associations are active:

Alumni Algemeen Pedagogische Wetenschappen (AAPW

The Alumni Association from Pedagogical Sciences (AAPW) was founded in 2010 to create a social network for alumni, the Department and present-day students. It was initiated by ex-students from the Master Programme of Pedagogical Sciences who had as specialization the young child, youth or lifelong learning.

Alumni Onderwijskunde (AVOG)

The general goal of the Alumni Association is: enabling and encouraging contacts and networks between the Educational Department and its alumni and between the alumni themselves. In this way, we hope to contribute to the professionalization of the alumni from Educational Sciences. In practice this would lead to:

  • The exchange of information about developments within the Department and the field of Educational Sciences, both between the Department (Staff and students) and the alumni and the alumni themselves in the shape of workshops, working visits etc.
  • Stimulating the networks between the Department of Educational Sciences and the Alumni and amongst the alumni themselves;
  • Help and assistance in the contexts of excursions, internships or jobs.

You can become a member by filling in the authorization form (in Dutch).

Follow AVOG on Linkedin

If you have any questions, or if you want further information, you may contact: bestuur.avog

Alumni Orthopedagogiek

Within the Department Special Needs Education we feel the need to exchange knowledge and experience with (recent) graduates who work in the context of Special Education.

The main objective of this association is to exchange information between alumni and our department about education and research. Next to this goal, the social aspect is very important in relation to the association, as well.

If you are interested in our alumni association, you can register to it, using the link ‘Opgaveformulier voor de alumnivereniging Orthopedagogiek’ (Dutch)


A newsletter is published twice a year. Here are the two most recent newsletters:

Newsletter 2- 2023
Newsletter 1-2024

Alumni Groninger Sociologen

For information about initiatives for graduated RUG sociologists, please contact:

drs. Theo van der Zee
RUG - Faculteit GMW
Afdeling Sociologie
Grote Rozenstraat 31
9712 TG Groningen

e-mail: t.g.van.der.zee

Almuni Groningse Andragogennetwerk (GAN

You find more information at the website of the Groninger Andragogen Netwerk.

Last modified:11 July 2024 3.00 p.m.
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